
Saturday 3 October 2015

Fishy Strawberries and other delights

Lets get straight to the point here, yesterday my gardening magazine arrived. With it came 2 packets of seeds, a packet of Thai Basil lovely stuff, 2 pots seeded and on windowsill. 
The other packet is this.

Hmm, nice name and tempting description, lets turn the packet over.

Fruits have a fantastic "Japanese style" gourmet flavour....Oooh 
Sushi Flavour perhaps, Teriyaki Sauce, Soy Sauce, ooh what about Wasabi. My mind boggles. I will have to grow some to try, I have 10 seeds, would anyone like 5 of them to try? let me know.

There are lots of bright spots in the garden,

 This is the third flush of flowers, the scent is amazing. It is in a pot as it was a gift and I can not decide where it will live yet.
 I have 3 of these Michaelmas Daisies and love them.
We had a border devoted to them when I was a child.
Behind them were my Grandfathers Dahlias, a source of pride for him every year.
 A solitary Gladioli, not my favourite flower although striking. It will join the other odd ones from the garden and go to a neighbours, he had the others that I dug out last autumn.

Quite a lot of pink in there, the rose is scented and has put on a show all summer long.

This little pansy is tucked in among the Flowering Quince branches, I hope that it will flower through the winter.

On Friday evening I take a friend into Pontardawe for a social hour, during the summer I was taking Ben and we walked around the many footpaths exploring. This week it was too dark so after the drop off I went to Tesco for a mooch round in the warm. 
Cue, Happy dance.

A set of clothes for the new baby, due in February, all I need to find is a pair of soft boots, all in the sale so even better. They are resting on a quilt from the WIP pile, it will be finished this weekend.

I also found a pack of 2 Avocado for 27p and 2 x 400g packs of leeks for 21p each. The bargain of the day was this root ginger, 700gms for 2p, it was divided into 2 packs and they would not scan correctly so went through at 1p. Woo Hoo

This will be peeled then some diced and some grated and into the freezer. I do use it in many dishes so am very pleased. The 3 small pieces at the front will be in pots and in the greenhouse later, nothing ventured nothing gained.

On the home front there are now 2 hotels close to the restaurant,

Des res mark 1 complete, no 2 almost there. It is now up on the fence. I hope that a plethora of insects will soon be hanging a "No Vacancies" sign up.

That is all for now, things to do.

                        TTFN                                          Pam


  1. The flowers are still so colorful and vibrant-hard to think uts October. The strawberries are curious and will wait to hear if they are sushi or stirfry worthy.

  2. I hope that the "right" sort of insects move in!

    1. Fingers crossed, I have seen lacewings and solitary bees around.

  3. Wow, that was a bargain, I'll be interested to know how well the planted pieces of ginger do. Your garden looks wonderful, still so much colour, you must have very green fingers xx

  4. Your garden is lovely, you got some good bargains there, lots of ginger I am sure you will use it to make something warming for the winter months.x

    1. I use ginger in lots of recipes, a little finds its way into most of my dinners, it gives a lovely warm back note.

  5. Your roses are looking beautiful. I managed to get almost everything cut back on Thursday ready for winter. Not a minute too soon. We got snow last night, everything is white, winds at 90Km an hour and 1 degree C. Nice day for a big pot of soup I think. Your strawberry seeds sound very interesting. Sounds like the kind of thing Kev likes to experiment with over at An English Homestead.

  6. I hope your ginger do well for you, I have tried growing them before and they have been lovely plants and grew a lovely hand of ginger must do it again :-)

    1. I am hopeful that the 3 pieces will grow, they all have healthy growing points.

  7. I cannot imagine what a Japanese flavoured strawberry will taste of! You will have to try them and let us know next year. You will have to let us know how the ginger does too! xx

  8. Hi Pam. Your ginger was a good bargain. I have ginger growing in my garden and the flowers have a beautiful smell. I will send you a picture.

  9. I had a tug of war with some stubborn lupus yesterday. They were purple when they went in...but blooming yellow now so out they came!! They really came out BC they'd got far too big for the small front garden so I got them out and have planted lots and lots of bulbs for the spring!

    1. I have saved some seed from a blue lupin, shall I pop some in the post for you?

    2. If they are spares, I can give them a go xx

  10. Lots of family embers love crystallised ginger which I will learn to make one day! Been catching up on your blog. I'm looking forward to you picking and tasting your first Japanese strawberry.

    1. I love the stem ginger in syrup, and the syrup is great drizzled onto fresh fruit.

  11. Great bargain with the ginger, interested to hear how that does. I was rather intrigued by the strawberries, again greatly interested to hear what the difference in taste is.

  12. I've never raised strawberries. Are they seeded in the fall?

    1. My packet says to sow indoors in January, plant out in April and harvest from July onwards, we will see.


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