
Thursday 15 October 2015

Terrific Thursday

I managed to finish the massive cupboard sort out yesterday, every single one has been emptied and washed, dried and all shelves are lined. I used some old C. paper so they are bright and cheerful. I even made an inventory of the contents and then on the shopping run have filled in the gaps and topped up the levels.
Today it is the freezers turn, I have been merrily stashing things away and now have little idea what is where. This leads to a waste of time hunting and the chance of food wasted as I can not squeeze it in to the chaotic drawers and cavity.
I have got my thermal gloves ready, some sturdy shopping bags and paper and pen to hand. Once done I strongly suspect that I will have quite a lot of empty space, I know that there are at least 12 plastic boxes waiting to be emptied into bags.
I found a new blog, My Abundant Life, a couple of days ago and from that found the Cheapskates in Australia. Good reading and surprisingly much of it translates to the UK. I downloaded some inventory sheets for pantry, fridge, freezer and am using them now. I will be modifying them to my needs, we are all different, but they are fine right now.
It has spurred me on to meal plan for a month at a time. Many of the things that I use I stock up when on offer so I can work them into the plan and make the most of the saving.
I do not keep a huge stockpile of food as I have been shopping weekly, once Maggie moves I am thinking of making that fortnightly. I am in Neath every week so can do any perishable top ups then.
I will be thinking on it as I bring order out of chaos this afternoon.
My Red Thai veg curry last night was delish, it is on the recipe blog, and I cooked enough rice to freeze complete meals. These will be enjoyed with relish.
What makes it terrific? The sun is shining, my kitchen looks and feels so good and another long overdue job is about to be crossed off the list.

No photo,s today, too busy to take any.

                TTFN                                                   Pam


  1. I love days like that, especially being able to cross things off lists. Good luck with you freezer clear out xx

    1. It is done and I feel as light as a feather. Quite shocked at the amount of food in there, pleased though.

  2. I found the Abundant Life blog a few weeks ago too but it hasn't taken me to Cheapskates yet - I shall have another look

    1. I went there via The Bluebirds are Nesting in the side bar and then to cheapskates from her side bar.

  3. Thermal gloves when you're emptying out the freezer, why oh why have I never thought of that before!!

    Thanks for the idea I have to do an inventory of my big chest freezer soon, like you I am finding it difficult to find things in there and end up with the lid open for far too long while I rummage and search.

    1. I wear the ones with "sticky grippy dots" on the palms, it helps whent trying to hang onto bags that are hell bent on escaping.

  4. I hate sorting out the freezer, its not the cold its just all the bits and bobs you come across. I will have to pop over to those blogs and see how they do it down under :-)

    1. Mine are done, I will be eating ding dinner every other day for some time to come. My bits and bobs are all in 1 place now and will be used pronto.

  5. The sun is shining here today too, makes you feel like you can do anything. Good luck with the freezer.

  6. Wow! Very organised. Can you come and do mine? I must have a look at those inventories. It may spur me on. X

  7. There is nothing nicer than a cleared out freezer and some delicious meals that you had forgotten about. Add that to clean and orderly cupboards, heaven. I have been busy putting meals away in the freezer for when I return from my holiday. Take care.

  8. My husband went to Ikea and bought metal baskets that fit inside the freezer. He put things in them that went together and it's easier to find items. Of course, he's a lot stronger than I am so I have to call the Boy or him to lift them. But the freezer is much neater than before

  9. Gosh, you have your Organized Head on Pam! I could do with you round here, as mine has gone sadly astray! I don't think I could plan for a months' meals at a time - Keith is such a fussy blighter and hard to cook a meal for both of us to enjoy together. So many things he "doesn't like" (translates to "won't eat") - I blame his mum!! I shall be interested to see how you get on with it anyway.

    Tomorrow I am going to sort my craft cupboard in the sitting room so I can FIND stuff again. I want to locate the felting needles I bought earlier in the year in Cardigan and have put away and lost . . .

  10. Right now our freezer and cupboards are fairly empty, but when they are full - usually in winter - I like to have a list of what is what and I meal plan about a month in advance, it find that both things really help me. Hope that your plans all work well for you! xx

  11. Every time I sort out my freezer, I PROMISE myself I'm not going to stuff it full of forgotten stuff....
    Every time I break my promise!! Rubbish! Even tonight I bought a tray of beautiful lamb chops at 70% off rtc - I've squished em in next to the sirloin steak is baffled up on Tuesday!! I'm hopeless!


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