
Tuesday 27 October 2015

Stitching up a storm

Morning all, it is a bit damp and drizzly here but no worries, I am happy to sit and sew or crochet. In the unlikely event that I get bored I have some new cake recipes thanks to Bovey Belle over at codlinsandcream 2, such a bad girl, she published no fewer than 4 delicious looking cake recipes and 1 for mincemeat. Note to self, buy some cream and make some custard. Mincemeat pie and custard oh yum.

Anyhow I am still popping the fat pink pills and so far (touch wood, turn round thrice and spit) they are doing the trick, all being well I will be off to Neath later on. Shaw,s the drapers have a branch there and I want to have a look at their DK cotton yarn.

I had a productive day yesterday, no good slummocking around feeling sorry for myself, that butters no parsnips. Strange saying!
I am glad of it as abandoning the mental arithmetic I found a calculator and I need 378 pairs of charm squares for the 2 quilts.

I have this many done, each little stack has 10 pairs so I have 210 pairs. Over half way so not too shabby. I decided not to press them open until I have the full amount, it is easier to keep count that way and they take up much less space.

These are my remaining charms, no where near enough. But, I have pulled a few more fabric from the stash, they have been freshly pressed and will be cut later today.

6 more warm colours, for now, once I have cut these I will pair them with my remaining cool charms and when they run out I will cut these, plus a few more that I dug out a little while ago.

I pulled these 3, yesterday afternoon, and got them pressed ready to cut but decided that enough was enough and retired to the sofa and my granny squares.

I finished off the 4 remaining lilac and made a good start on a glorious red, Lipstick, 5 of those are done and I will do the other 8 tonight. I sat and watched the first few episodes of season 5 of Haven. When it was on the first time I managed to miss it, possibly work got in the way. It is quite silly but as chewing gum for the brain it works for me.

My Banana plant has opened another new leaf, at this rate it will have to stand on the floor by this time next year. The growth rate has slowed down a little, possibly due to light levels and shorter days. The orchid that it stands next to is thriving, I think they are in a symbiotic relationship, the Banana insists on draping a leaf over the orchids stem. 

Now it is high time that the kettle went on for my second cuppa, I seem to be lagging somewhat this morning.

                       TTFN                                                     Pam


  1. nice choice of fabrics there, all that cutting you will have aching shoulders and wrists, its good you can switch to a bit of crochet :-)

    1. I am pacing myself, a bit of cutting and then something else before cutting again. There has been some cake making, and eating, and an inordinate amount of housework done as well.

  2. Pam, how do you do it!!?? By the way, I love your writing. You always make me smile. You also make me want to sew up a quilt top but I don't know where to begin. Have a great day!

    1. Glad to make you smile, Henny Penny, I love your photographs, Eli is a cutie.

  3. Wow Pam!! Take it easy honey with that poor neck and shoulder..I'd be laid up for a week cutting that lot!!! Xxx

    1. I am driven to see the finished project, but I am taking care not to over do it.

  4. Gosh, you are going great guns. The crochet is a nice alternative craft when you get achey/fed up with the machine sewing.

    Sorry to lead you astray with those recipes - you can stagger then you know - you don't have to eat them all at once!!!

    1. Now, now don't go ans spoil it all. I have made 2 of the cakes, and shared them! I really should get some knitting on the go as well.

  5. I wonder what the banana has been saying to the orchid! Glad that you are feeling a bit better, I hope that the improvement continues! xx

    1. What ever they talk about it seems to work, they are flourishing.

  6. Love the fabrics. I have a recipe for MIncemeat cake which is great with custard if you would like it

    1. I would most certainly like it, there is no better way to get a recipe than from another cake baker. They always work and are always yummy.


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