
Thursday, 11 August 2016

On The Ball Today

No Not Football, the metaphorical ball. As I was up and moaning running far too early this morning I decided not to waste any time. I managed 10 rows of my bright jumper while I drunk my first brew and woke up properly. Then it was finish machining the binding on a baby quilt and get another ready to quilt.
Tonight's squashed felafels  beany burgers are made and firming up in the fridge, along side some fairly chunky coleslaw salad.

Every pot in the garden has had a good soaking and all the plants in the raised beds had a deep drink as well.

I need to tie in my step over apple later, I will take a photo, but like the gorgeous wool from Debs Wool Shop, it will have to wait. Some fool forgot to put the spare camera batteries on to charge, so now both sets are in the charger. 
I could slap her, I really could, it isn't as though it is the first time.

This is what I have been playing with,

All ready to quilt, after lunch I think.

This one is ready to slip stitch the binding down. This evenings job, it will be a change from my knitting.

Both are backed with the Flower and Dragonfly fabric that I bought, just for this purpose, from the Fabric Warehouse.  The binding is a cream with a tiny black dot, also from the warehouse, it frames the quilt s perfectly. I used a low loft batting, it is still warm but nice and light and washes and almost spins dry. Perfect every day quilt for a baby, I like my quilts to be well used, I would hate to think of them stuffed into a cupboard for "best".

Some considerable time ago I posted some charm packs, designed by HRH of crafting, Kirstie Allsopp. They were very reasonable so I snapped up 4 packs from Hobbycraft.
If it's too good to be true, then it isn't true. An old adage that this time I ignored, fool that I was. 
I undid a pack yesterday to use, oh dear, they were just by a whisker 5" along each side. BUT the way that they were cut made them really only 4 3/4, the pinking was far too deep and wide. I used a few but the rest will have to go into projects on their own, so expect to see lots of pinky, purpley bags, cushion covers and so on.

In contrast the ones that I bought from Flying Geese are perfect, but then they are from the Moda stable.
I opened the scrap bags as well and have selected some strips for another project. I aim to get them pressed and trimmed later this week. I will not use them yet though as I need to piece 2 more quilts and make some more bags.

I really need another set of arms and hands, that Kali had it made.

It is almost time to put the kettle on, coffee this time, I am all behind as this will be elevenses, with some Galia melon that I found in Tesco for 10p.  There are 3 more in the fridge so I will be enjoying them all weekend.

                 TTFN                                                      Pam


  1. Beautiful quilt. Sewing the binding is my most favourite part of making a quilt. I find it very soothing-x-

    1. I like every part but choosing the fabrics is probably my favourite bit.

  2. I love those baby quilts, such lovely colours, both of them.

    1. Thank you, I do huff and puff a bit till I get it right in my eyes.

  3. The quilts are lovely as usual Pam. I've been out for lunch and am fit for nowt now, crept bloggy reading and a snooze!

  4. Those baby quilts are stunning, I love them. The recipients are really lucky to have you :)

    1. Thank you, I have laid out 2 in more boyish colours. They will be on the menu tomorrow.

  5. I don't know how you remember what you're doing/making with what material/wool etc, unless you keep a notebook of projects to do with a sample of the material/wool. I would easily get confused and perhaps change my mind about things. I know this may be a silly question, but do you ever get bored with sewing and knitting? I used to with knitting especially if I had a lot to do and I would feel the need to do something entirely different like cross stitch, just so that I could have a break.

    Joan (Wales)

    1. I recently started to keep a detailed record of my knitting and crochet. I started one yesterday for the sewing. I have been known to buy fabric and wool for a specific project only to change my mind and make something completely different. I will spend a period of days knitting then change to sewing, then crochet. Then of course every now and then it is full on garden time. I do also have a housework frenzy, not too often though. I have cross stitch waiting to be started, it will get it's turn. If I ever find myself thinking that I am bored, I find something to do like cleaning a cupboard out, or the oven. That soon gets me back on track. Sometimes I will trawl you tube for videos and podcasts, I can knit like a demon if I find a good one.

  6. Your quilts are lovely Pam, I'm sure they are always well received. x

  7. Lovely bright happy quilts! I am sure they will make for some happy babes!

  8. Lovely quilt. The colours just pop.

    God bless.

  9. The quilt's really lovely, such pretty fabric. It's always nice to know that something you've made is well used, I'm the same with my makes, I wouldn't want them being kept for best.


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