
Friday 26 August 2016

Pardon, wht did you say?

Yesterday passed in a muffled fog, and today has started in much the same way. The treatment for my ears does not seem to be having any positive effect, the new advice is to carry on but to give up dairy products for 2 weeks.
In of a penny, in for a pound.

I will miss butter and cheese, but hey ho fingers crossed that it will help.

I am up to the armhole shaping on the grey waistcoat back, I double checked before starting the decreases, thank goodness, I had to do 46 cm not the 43 that I thought.
I have not touched the sock, I really want to get the waistcoat back done and get the sides cast on. I have planned out where to insert the pocket linings and the exact armhole depth.

I have suspended meal planning (and bargain hunting) for the next few weeks. I want to empty the freezers and start again. My eating habits have changed, as have my go to ingredients, so I would like to begin building a new stock reflecting this.

Last night I made braised beef and served it with carrots, peas and broccoli and a small serving of mashed potato. It was very nice and the left overs will make a cottage pie for Saturday.

For tonight I have taken a Bean Feast meal out of the freezer, it was made from a pack of yellow sticker bean casserole mix from Tesco and Quorn mince. I will serve it with black kale from the garden and maybe some carrots.

I grew the said carrots in tubs this year and they have done very well, sweet and juicy, not a sign of the dreaded fly and perfectly straight roots. I will definitely be growing more next year.

On the sewing table I have two more drawstring bags ready to sew and the fabric pulled for a small Autumn quilt, I will finish the bags today and, hopefully, start cutting out the quilt.

Flying Geese, in Llandeilo, stock Pellon fusible fleece which is low loft and perfect for my bags. I bought some while I was over there on Tuesday. I usually buy a complete roll at a time but right now do not have the space. I have a roll of my standard (and favourite)Warm and White and another of Hobbs Poly-Down, that is a higher loft than I would buy but it was such a good price that I could not resist.

I have been watching a few podcasts, I watch one every time that I take a knitting or crochet break during the day. Some of them are very good, entertaining and informative. Some are very amusing and I find myself chuckling away, B U T some I find totally dire. It must be me as most of them seem to have hundreds, if not thousands, of subscribers. I am sorry that Amy, Love made my home, has stopped, I did enjoy watching and listening to her.

My favourites, in no particular order are, Little Bobbins, Inside Number 23, Betsy Makes, Crafternoon Treats, Knitting Ex-pat,  Cherry Heart and Sew Sweet Violet.

Some of them  have blogs that I have been following for ages, some are new finds. All of them interest me for various reasons and they all make much better viewing than the run of the mill TV offerings.

I do watch them on the telly though, much better than squinting at the laptop screen, Ben does get excited when Roly, the gorgeous little Pug from Inside number 23 appears. he has a little Pug friend and I am sure he thinks that it is the friend in the telly.

It is the dreaded shopping today, not much to buy but that makes it worse somehow. I feel that it is more worthwhile to shove a full trolley round rather than a meagre little pile. I may well pop into Home Bargains and see if I can get everything there. I only want a few cleaning supplies and some salad. They carry a good range of fresh produce now, I have a sneaky feeling that they have taken many of the lidl customers. I wonder what will happen when the new store opens in December, will they revert back to lidl or will they be happy to stay with HB.

Now it is time for more tea and then I might get the little bit of ironing done, I know that it is early but once it's done it's done.

                       TTFN                                                Pam


  1. Aw that's so sweet about Ben getting excited if the pug comes on TV. I only watch podcasts if I'm off from work and I too am sad that Amy has stopped hers. I've watched most of the ones you do but haven't watched Inside Number 23. I hope your dairy free couple of weeks isn't too taxing for you and helps to improve your condition. x

  2. I grow most of my veg in pots and have quite a successful harvest each year. My freezer could do with a good sort out too. Hope the diet change helps with the ears.

    1. My fingers are crossed, if I have to give up cheese there had better be a result.

  3. Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your ears. I've been there and it is pretty horrible.
    I must go and have a look around our Home Bargains when I go into little town again. I never think to go there because it is actually in the town centre and I tend to go to B&M because it's near the supermarket on the outskirts-x-

    1. Our nearest B&M is in Neath, HB is only 10 minutes away.

  4. Hope your problem gets better x

  5. Ugh there's nothing worse than ears! Hope today's shopping is fruitful!

  6. I would definitely miss butter and cheese, I hope it makes a difference for you. We're getting a lidl built near us, I'm quite looking forward to it, though it's not looking like it'll be this year. Hope your shopping trip was a successful one xx

    1. Lidl is good for fast shopping, you do not have so much choice but it means les to look at and no where near as far to walk.

  7. Ear problems are awful. Hope your's gets well fast. It would be hard to leave off dairy products. It would probably help me in lots of ways. I can't stop eating ice cream!

    1. You have to look far to find ice cream with a high dairy content, but I can take it or leave it so will not miss it.

  8. Sorry about your blocked ears-I have both eardrums perforated and they give me real problems from time to time including vertigo. I do think cutting out dairy helps the mucus build up but I miss cheese and substitute soya products for milk and yoghurt when the problem is bad. Hope you arebetter soon. Catriona

    1. I am not a lover of milk but cheese, butter and cream are part of my staple diet. I have found a dairy free spread, and it acceptable, just.

  9. So sorry to hear about your ear problem, Pam. I tend to suffer with 'crackly' ears and go deaf when I have a cold but, as I don't eat meat, would find it very hard to give up dairy. I love cheese....Hope you improve soon x

    1. I could quite happily forego meat, but cheese, I love it.

  10. hope your ears are getting better, thanks for the info about podcasts I am going to give them a watch later. x

    1. I hope you enjoy the podcasts, there are so many out there.

  11. Amy's was the only podcast I actually saw, not much time here for that but I felt like she was having tea with me and chatting when I could view it. Hope your ears are all better.


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