
Saturday, 6 August 2016

The Handles Are Here.

Bag handles that is, not Four Candles/Fork Handles.

They are not as circular as I had hoped but they do the job very well.

I have put 3 huge balls of yarn in there, I think they are 400 gm each.
I will be putting a pattern, yarn and needles in there and hopefully it will become a charity raffle prize. I will get that sorted next week.

Now, of course, I want to start another one, possibly in C 2 C crochet using a variegated yarn. I can think of one or two people who would not sneeze at opening a present to find that inside.

I have just about finished the sneezy shawl, it is very big and I am still on the first ball, once I am down to the last bit of yarn I will cast off. The other ball is destined to become the trim on a long edge to edge cardigan sometime in my future. Not necessarily for me but I can not face knitting row after row of fluffy cobwebs again.

I have been in the garden today but the heat has driven me back inside, I am too hot to do much but have plans for later.

Once I have walked the dogs I have some fabric to iron and try out a new bag idea. I will share even if it turns out to be a pigs ear. It will be a prototype after all.

Ben has just told me that he needs to walk Right Now, so I am off.

                  TTFN                                             Pam


  1. Ohh pam i love that , You are so clever xxx

    1. The pattern is available all over the net, just type in Fat Bottomed Bag.

    2. I'm worried that if I type in Fat bottomed bag, I'll get pictures of me popping up!!!

  2. Glad you had a nice sunny day. The bag looks fantastic you must be so pleased. Jane xx

    1. I am pleased with it but the next one will have some modifications. Pockets and a scissor keeper for a start.

  3. A very beautiful bag Pam.
    It's been too hot here today for DD to go out in the garden too-x-

    1. We had all the seasons in one, about the only thing missing was frost and snow.

  4. Your bag is beautiful . . . you are so talented. I love it!

    1. Thank you Connie, you are very kind.

  5. The bag is amazing, what a delight. Such a great raffle prize.

    1. I hope that it will raise a little money, there is never enough.


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