
Thursday, 2 May 2013

Nearly Finished and a Request

Helloo on another hot and sunny day, no frost or mist this morning, my washing ( done last night) was on the line by 6.30 this morning then a cup of tea and off to bed.

I have done 2 more loads which are out and nearly ready to come in, I had an hour or so in the garden and got dinner on the go and now it is "me time"

Remember this?

Well it looks like this now.

I layered, basted and quilted it over 2 evenings at the start of the week. I did not have a helper to hold it so I threw it   arranged it artistically over the table. I wrapped the backing around to self bind which went like a dream but the quilting....I still ache.
I need a long arm quilter, but the smallest one available, I think. I love how this has turned out and once I have tidied the loose ends it will be going to its rightful home.

I have another quilt in blocks ready to assemble and 2 more in the pipeline for May.

Now for the request. (make that plural)

Does anyone own a long arm quilter? If so what make/model is it and how much room does it need when set up.

If you have one would you demonstrate it to me?

I know that shops will give a lesson in use when you buy, but that is not like using one in situ, and an owner can point out any "iffy" things that a vendor would keep quiet about.

I have 2 massive wardrobe in my bedroom and have decided that if I can find a machine that I like 1 of them will go. that will give me 7 feet by 4 feet of floor space plus the area directly in front.. The only other option is a log cabin and although I would love one I do not want to give up garden space.

If I was only making small quilts this would not be an issue, but hauling a king sized quilt through my machine just gives my shoulders and upper back so much pain.

Now to food. Dinner tonight is a bean and mushroom concoction, we will have it with salad, the contrast in texture and  temperature is sublime.
I think it may be time to do a foodie post, I have been snapping away at our meals. Oh I forgot to say that my camera is up and running, it just need a clean!

TTFN   Pam


  1. Another gorgeous quilt, do you make these to order or are they just for gifts. Patchwork quilts seem very fashionable at the moment, or is it a case of making something new from what we have, something that will keep us warm over the winter months. I have always loved to see patchwork, its sort of homely and cosy.

    Dinner sounds delicious again, we had a quickie of bacon chops egg and beans, very tasty though!

  2. This quilt was a gift, I do make them to order the next 2 are. I just love creating whether it be dinner, a cake, a quilt or a garment. If I have nothing on the go I make hexies or tote bags, tissue holders or bookmarks. Anything to keep my hands busy.

  3. Lovely quilt, you can certainly get through lots of projects in a short time. I like doing self binding too, I usually make a better job of it doing it that way. I keep putting off making the bigger quilts as my machine is really small and just doesn't cope well with handling the bulk, but I don't make enough to make it worth getting a better quilting machine - maybe one day :)


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