
Monday 27 May 2013

Bank Holiday Weather Rain Oh Yes

We woke up to rain and it has not stopped all day. It has been a good day, we went to Carmarthen and bought James and Cerys a gas barbecue, it went well yesterday but James struggled to get the charcoal one lit as always. Michael has just built it for them, Kaitlyn is sitting in the box making happy noises and Junior wants to know is he having burgers for tea.

I had a phone call from my baby brother, who lives in OZ, he is in England, on his way to Sweden for work. It was a rushed trip and he is staying for a week so I will see him and my SIL Sue when I return from Wales. I am so excited, I thought I would not see them until  next year.

Tomorrow we are going to Swansea, it is Juniors birthday on Wednesday, James and Cerys have bought him a scooter and we are kitting him out with all the pads and helmet and so on. I hope to find a fabric shop to have a look round. I have been sewing hexies in the evenings and should have brought more with me, so I may just have to indulge in some retail therapy.

Dinner tonight is venison in red wine with jacket potato and veg, with fresh fruit salad for pudding with some cream..

The barbecue is assembled and working so we will be moving soon, there is no Internet at the cottage, it is very rural, this is my view

Our closest neighbour

Last but never least

Eye Candy!


I am off to cook dinner now and will "see" you tomorrow.   TTFN    Pam


  1. You are enjoying your Welsh adventure despite the weather. CAn I be mean and tell you it has been lovely here, surprise surprise! Enjoy your dinner, and 'see' you soon.Lx

  2. We only had the one wet day and got caught up on all the gossip, had lots of cuddles with 2 new babies in the extended family, good play time with Junior and Kaitlyn and drank gallons of tea with all the family and friends. I managed to get my nose sunburnt and a patch on my forehead even with a slathering of factor 50!


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