
Sunday 23 June 2013

Did you hear that crash.

That was my hopes and dreams for the future crashing down round my feet. Michael has let me down, Francesca down and himself down.
He has decided that his future is in a bottle of vodka, he will be on his own.
The black dog is wrapped round my neck and the fog gathers.

I can find nothing to be grateful for today.


  1. Sorry, Pam. We've never met but I read your blog regularly and find you so uplifting and I'm so sorry about this but I really don't know what to say. I shall keep coming back in the hope you have found some happy things. In the meantime, maybe Ben could do with a cuddle.

    Feel free to delete this if you want to.

    1. No need to delete, I know that tomorrow will be better, hark at Orphan Annie, I am a swimmer not a sinker. Ben has been cuddled to the 'nth degree and is now in bed with Francesca who has an early start in the morning. I am going to work an extra shift to keep my mind occupied.

  2. Pam I have nothing to say that will sustain you except that You must please feel free to contact me if I can be of any help - as a listening ear...what ever. There are no simple solutions to situations like this.
    With heartfelt good thoughts,

    Lynne xxx

  3. Hope you're ok - hugs from me xxx

  4. I was saddened to read your post tonight Pam and I'm sending you big hugs and lots of love xx Hoping things will be better in a day or two for you all.
    Love Karen xx

  5. Have some hugs from me too xxx

  6. Oh heck, hope things are better for you soon. More (((HUGS))) from Suffolk

  7. So sorry to hear that, but you have you, keep strong, we are all with you, much love

  8. Oh sorry to hear this, I've only just caught up with your blog again after the grand move.............I see from the post above this one that you are built of stern stuff, in all that you have to deal with remember to take good care of yourself Pam, sometimes this is easily forgotten when caring for others.

    take care my dear, Kim x

    1. Thank you Kim, I am dealing with all this as I write.


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