
Friday 7 February 2014

A Thoughtful Gift and an Overdue Finish.

I think that I may have been wittering on about crochet a tad too much. This was bought for me today.

It was a very thoughtful gift, one that will hopefully kick start a new craft for me.

There is a double page showing the main stitches, and even I can understand them.

6 different Granny Squares, which I will attempt as my starting point.

There are several patterns all using the "free" wool, some of them are knitting. it is an excellent way for me to start but I would not have thought to buy it myself, in fact I have never seen it before.
 I subscribe to 2 sewing magazines and that is enough.

While looking for something I unearthed this from the very back corner of a cupboard. It just needed lining, so I ran that up yesterday evening and finished it off.

Another bag to keep in the car, I will not use carrier bags I do not like them plus they saw your fingers off if they are heavy.
I am still cutting my way through anything smaller than a fat quarter, mostly into 1 1/2" strips, some 2 1/2" strips and crumbs. I am taking selvedges off at 1 1/2" for a future project. I am nearly halfway through and can see the benefits, my storage looks better, I can see my fabrics without having to shuffle through them.
The day started off with wind and rain but cleared to bright sunshine for about 3 hours, we are so lucky compared to much of the country.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. Good friends.

2. A gift to keep me busy for a few hours.

3. A big pile of ready cut strips for my next quilt.

4. The garden is nearly dry enough to work in.

5. The village shop is nearly ready to reopen.

There has been lots of activity in the village shop, new floors and storage, a window bricked up and the internal walls have been moved. There has been some rather large refrigerated units moved in  and some work done at the rear.
I do miss the shop, not that I used it much but it was a good central meeting place and source of information.

I am off to brew up and open my wool pack and see if I make a Granny Square or a Spiders Web.

     TTFN                                                       Pam


  1. I can't wAit to see photos of your crochet projects! I keep trying to learn. I've even had a lesson off my ma in law! I managed a rectangle of the easiest stitch. Absolutely NO idea how to do it again! It feels foreign to me!

    1. I have made a start, so far so good.

  2. Good luck with the crochet, as I've said before, I've tried several times but never managed to get the hang of it. Love the bag. I must have a sewing day soon; it's been all knitting for the past few weeks.

    1. Thank you Helen, I sew crumbs of fabric onto sheets of copy paper cut in half longways, then trim them down and sew the strips together, waste not want not.

  3. I was told when I was about 8 that I couldn't learn to crochet because I was left handed. 15 years later I was watching my sister crochet and thought I could do that! I can, I do and I love it - but I don't follow patterns well because I am 'backwards'.:-D Enjoy - it's very relaxing and travels well.

  4. You can never "witter"too much about knitting or crochet! What a lovely gift. Enjoy!


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