
Saturday 15 February 2014

First Crochet Finish, WOO HOO

I am pleased that my fingers have managed to find out how to handle a hook, my first project is crocheted and I just have to select the fabric to back it with.

I still have to tidy the ends on the back and block it out. There are mistakes, an extra stitch and a treble or two missing, I deliberately left them. This is a first and there was bound to be mistakes but I finished it, joined the blocks with double crochet and did one round of double crochet around the edge to finish. I am pleased with it warts and all. It will live in my bedroom as a cushion and will probably have Ben,s head on it within minutes of placing it.

I am off to the wool shop on Monday to buy a rainbow.

Exciting news, there is a large warehouse type shop on the edge of Long Sutton and it is being turned into an Art and Craft center. It is going to provide space to show, sell and teach, I am so looking forward to it.

My washing has been in and out like a fiddler's elbow today, we have had brilliant sunshine with a few showers and one tropical down pouring. It is dry and ironing is next on the agenda, I like to get it washed, dried, ironed and put away on the same day. When it hangs around it almost seems grubby before you use it again.

I am being spoiled tonight, dinner is being cooked for me. Chicken stuffed with Stilton, wrapped in bacon and baked served with potatoes and fresh veg. Yum.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. No damage in the village from last nights wind.

2. A Bond film to crochet by this afternoon (Sean Connery).

3. I have been given a DVD recording of the hour long Roger Moore interview from a couple of years ago.

4. I found 2 balls of craft cotton in my old knitting bag.

5. I ordered ink cartridges for the printer yesterday morning and they arrived today. Cool

I read Roger Moore,s  biography when it was published and he came across as a decent man, even if his marriage history was complicated, so I was very happy to receive the DVD. I have had a sneak peak and look forward to watching it later. It was a pleasant to read him giving credit where it was due as his career took off. He heaped praise on those who helped and supported him.

By contrast I read Sean Connery,s biography and it was so different. Every thing that was good in his life was entirely down to him and everything that went wrong was somebody elses fault. Guess which volume is still in my possession.

My mum had a few knitting patterns modeled by Roger, I wonder what happened to them, worn out probably as she knitted for England.

A few trees came down during the night, a garage was damaged and no one was hurt. Neville's brother was called out to sort 3 trees out, he made them safe this morning and will be dealing with them on Monday.

Ben and Greg had their runs out today, they were fine but I was bent nearly double into the wind for part of the time.
I had a good read round  blogland last night and will have a repeat tonight. I found some amazing tutorials from some seriously talented people, I have bookmarked lots.

Sewing will resume on Monday, meanwhile that craft cotton is going to become cleaning cloths.

  TTFN                                                   Pam


  1. WELL DONE for the crochet - brilliant and lovely colours too. Wish I had got my mum-in-law to teach me when she was still alive.
    I have a very old crochet hook but no clue how to do it

    1. I enjoyed doing that, I am off to buy some decent wool on Monday then all I need is for my hooks to turn up.

  2. Well done you, the crochet looks brilliant. Perfect things are made on machines not hand crafted! Glad you didn't have too much damage last night x

    1. We were very lucky with the wind, the trees in the village were looked at last year, a few were taken right out and many more had the tops removed and old , weak branches removed.

  3. I am very impressed with the crochet. My lovely Mum has tried to teach me but she is right handed, I'm left and I just can't seem to do it !!

    1. Have you tried looking in a mirror, my Granny was left handed at some things and she told me that she learned to sew using a mirror.

    2. May I 'butt' in here, I'm ambidextrous (sp?) but mostly use my right hand, a few years ago I taught several friends, one being a man, who are left handed. The way I did it was to knit with my right hand and sit opposite the person and take it slow. They soon picked it up and once it 'clicked' in their brain they were well away and went on to continue enjoying their knitting.
      Peg x

  4. Cushion will look great .. well done.
    Keep safe in this awful wind.

  5. Like the cushion, lovely colours :-)

  6. Love the crochet and lucky you having your dinner made for you this evening - enjoy!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  7. Hi it's Tracey aka FrugalMummy. My blog disappeared on blogger so I've had to start again. Here is my new address:
    I'm a follower of yours and wanted to to have my new address xx

    1. Hi Tracey,
      glad I've found you & that all's well ( I hope), but I can't get the new address to work, so still can't find your blog. I've cut & pasted it into the searchbox & tried googling it, but still nothing. Any ideas? Or maybe a link somewhere?
      Pam, love the crochet & glad you survived the winds unscathed,
      Vee x

    2. Leave off the www. and it will take you straight to the blog :)
      Peg x

  8. Lovely colours... well done you. Holding that hook right suddenly happens doesn't it?

  9. Your crocheted cushion is amazing, you definitely have a talent for it. Lovely colours too. Take care in this horrible weather x

  10. Blogger decided that it did not want me to reply to comments anymore tonight. Thank you all for your kind words, the wool was free with my gifted magazine and a bit coarse. I have sore fingers to show for it, but it is done now. I really enjoyed doing that and intend to buy some soft wool next week. In the meantime I am attempting to crochet some cotton cleaning/dish cloths. I am tempted to try knitting something small, just to see if my wrists will take it now. I managed to wear a watch all day yesterday, the first time since I smashed my left wrist. I wore one on the right until I broke that the following year. All i can say is watch this space.

  11. Pam your crochet cushion front looks beautiful, well done, when I first started crochet I had no one to teach me so looked on line, there are some fantastic tutorials out there in blog land and on you tube. You've done really well for a first attempt it took me a long long time to even be able to crochet a granny square, I couldn't get them to look right then watching you tube I realised I was doing to many trebles between! It took a long time before I was confident enough to make a blanket but have made many since. The library here is a great source of craft books, I used to look at the different sqs read it but if I got stuck and couldn't follow the instructions well I sourced said sqs on you tube and was able to follow their instructions by stopping and starting the video.
    You should be really proud of your achievement, I have very dry skin so when I'm cross stitching I use Udder Cream, it is great for your skin but does not damage the thread or fabric I'm using. Perhaps this may help with the wool that''s a little 'rough'.

    Enjoy your Sunday and stay safe, we are lucky we've had torrential rain, high winds but no damage. Today is a beautiful clear sky and the sun is shining, it is very cold and I am usually to hot but not today ;). I hope this weather is pretty much throughout the country to give those suffering a bit of a break.

    Oh on the subject of blogger not letting you leave comments, I can't leave a comment at all if I use my iPad it just disappears when you hit publish, not sure why.

    Peg x


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