
Monday 3 February 2014

Monday, Sunshine, Sewing and National Yorkshire Pudding Day

Welcome to a new follower, Lindjemp, I have been and had a quick look at your blog and will be returning later. I intend to have a curl up in the corner of the sofa with a brew and maybe a slice of Apple and Mincemeat Sponge. That is if I have room, it is National Yorkshire Pudding Day and I am making Toad in the Hole, with onion gravy.

I spent yesterday in a whirl of activity, 3 loads of washing line dried, ironed, aired and put away in daylight, Woo Hoo. I don't normally do laundry on Sunday, but have been going through cupboards and found a few things that needed refreshing, and did not want to miss the fine weather. 
Another bag of things for the CS sorted, a few books and magazines as well. I changed my bed, through the windows open and vacuumed through, a quick dash round with polish and cloth, and 2 days jobs done and dusted.
A tidy round the little courtyard garden, 3 walks with Ben ( who also went in the bath) and several tea breaks took me till 5.00. 
A few phone calls, dinner and I read till bedtime. I got so into my book that I did not have time to blog. I finished the book, Steve Irwin's story written by his widow, let Ben out and fell into bed.

52 Projects

My project for this week is to make something pretty for my home and spend no money. Although I have 2 projects on the go I decided that I needed to get cracking with this one. Sewing was the obvious choice, so out came my scrap bins and the Leaders and Enders box. this what I came up with, cushion covers.

I make 9 and 4 patch blocks as I sew other projects, then when I want to create in a hurry the tedious work is done.

The turquoise strips were from my scrap bin and were left over from a quilt and pillow sham set.
I also had a play with some of the fancy stitches . The wadding was left over strips from quilts and I joined pieces together with a zigzag stitch rather than cut into a roll. The binding was also left over from a quilt.

This shows quite dark, the light had gone by the time I had finished the first one, I have 2 more with half the quilting done so far. I am even using up all my part bobbins and reels of white cotton thread.

While I was out with Ben I saw these, unfortunately they were in the shade. If you focus on the little twiggy branch on the left you can see that the buds are swelling.

This is at the entrance to the Park hence the ivy and dandelions.
Two hours have gone since I wrote the last line, a phone call and I had to run.
I will have to close now, nothing disastrous, just a friend in need of time and comfort. Back tomorrow.

TTFN                                          Pam


  1. Love that cushion. And snowdrops, so pretty and a hopeful indication that we will get a spring this year after all this foul weather.

    1. I am hoping for a decent spring and dare I say , summer.

  2. Beautiful cushion Pam. You put me to shame as I haven't touched my quilt in a few days!

    1. I try to sew every day, it helps to keep my mind off eating, lol, really i just like to indulge myself and my love of colour.

  3. I'm amazed that you can just get some scraps of material and just make up a cushion like that and such a lovely bright cheerful one too. Thanks for showing us, very inspiring x

    1. I have picked up lots of tips in blogland, Bonnie Hunter is inspiring and Lori Holt makes wonderful things from scraps.

  4. The cushions are lovely. I love the photo of the snowdrops

    1. I just like to work with colour, I saw an amazing rainbow today but of course my camera was at home.

  5. Lovely cushion Pam, so nice when you can make something from nothing and it looks so lovely x


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