
Saturday 14 May 2016

I was given a B&Q gift card and yesterday afternoon I slipped off to Parc Morfa, my nearest branch. Oooh it is hoooge, I got lost twice.
I headed straight to the garden centre, 6 bags of compost and some alpines/ground cover plants went straight on to the trolley, then I trailed up and down, round and round but nothing else caught my eye. Luckily I did not have to spend the full amount so half is left for another day.
One thing did catch my eye, not to buy but to think about.

They have a collection of "Patio Apples" suitable for growing in pots, fine and dandy but most of these were Bramley's seedlings.

I have grown a lot of apples over the years, even commercially BUT would never in a million years think of Bramley's as anything but a large tree. Add to the size the fact that it is a triploid requiring 2 other pollinators and it is hardly suitable for the average garden now never mind a pot on a patio.
£10 down the swanee for any purchaser I think.

On a happier note, I went into Neath this afternoon, dropped my passenger off and wandered up to Victoria Gardens to listen to the live music.
I met this little chap,

Cute as a button and happy to pose.

Until he spotted something interesting.

Aha, all is revealed,seconds later they were a tangle of legs, ears and leads. I was shaking with laughter so no chance of a photo.

This flashy Azalea was dazzling in the bright sun shine,

putting this Acer in the shade, so to speak.

The beds are looking sparse so far, the cold winds and then searing heat has had a detrimental effect on them.

I took myself off to the canal for a look around,

This is moored as a little reminder of how important that canal was.

This edge has some roses coming up but it was the Snow on the Mountains that caught my eye, my Grannie had it spilling over the bank at the front of her garden.

Finally I have laid some of the finished blocks out to give myself an idea of how to finish the quilt. I need to make another 21, almost done, to finish it. I have decided to forget a border and just bind it with the Kona Snow. All my little 5" bricks and the strips will become a cushion. Any spare charms will become the back of the cover. No waste and no scraps. 

I have 2 more quilt patterns churning round my head so I am hoping to get this top pieced over the weekend and on the frame on Monday. With a clear sky and a fair wind it is achievable.

Now  I am off to prepare a salad to go with my Impossible Quiche for dinner.
Then I plan on making some chocolate ice cream, Tesco had some extra thick double cream less than half price, 2 big tubs became mine.

                         TTFN                                                  Pam


  1. Sounds like a fun day! Isn't that the cutest little dog! Homemade chocolate ice cream sounds delicious!

    1. he was adorable, I am so glad that I did not have a chance to whisk him away(haha). I dare not go anywhere near puppies or rescue dogs or I would have a pack.

  2. I keep looking at more fruit trees but I am holding off now until the Autumn, I have enough to do this year without adding to my work load, another good looking quilt :-)

    1. I think that you get through more work than 2 people most days as it is Dawn. I am itching to get this finished as there are two quilts dancing round my head demanding to be made. I have pulled the fabrics already.

  3. Lovely photos. I had no idea that a bramley apple need 2 other trees to pollinate it.

    1. Yes, there are some pears like that as well.

  4. At least i know what tree NOT to buy, as i am looking into eventually growing hard fruits as well as soft, so cheers for the tip :)
    That wee pup is soooo cute!
    And your quilt is beautiful! you are so talented Pam :) I am constantly using my patchwork bag for holding my crochet/knitting and my lovely apron is in use daily, you'll be pleased to hear xx

    1. If there are apple trees in nearby gardens you would be fine with a Bramley. Glad that you found a use for the bits.

  5. I wish I knew before I bought the apple tree standing proudly on my patio, silly me. Love the quilt, you certainly have a talent.

    1. Dig a hole in the Autumn and plant it. Put another on the patio, if you have any trees close by you will get a crop.

  6. Sounds as though you had a good trip out! Your quilt looks really great!

    1. I do like a whizz round B&Q, they often have bargains.


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