
Friday 13 May 2016

The Heat is on.

I am revelling this glorious heat, I aim to be out in the garden before 9 and make the most of a couple of hours before it heats up. Then back out again later in the afternoon, yesterday I had to pot up some tomatoes into their final pots but it was too hot till around 7.00. This morning I have lined up my fuchsias for the same treatment and some hardy ones to go into the garden. 
Ben has gone to the groomers for a short back and sides and will be much more comfortable for it.
Since my return I have been sewing and cutting. Working through my box of charms I have picked out quite a number in colours and shades that do not fit my project. I do have a stack of fat quarters and "less than half a yard pieces" so I have been slicing and dicing my way through these.
Fear not, I am not creating another scrap bag with the offcuts.

I am building a nice collection of 5" strips of varying widths.

Along with a tidy pile of end strips. These will be cut down into 5" lengths and my fingers are crossed that I will have enough to make a piano key border. If not they will become cushions to go with the quilt. Any pieces shorter than 5" will be used up as part of a cushion so there will be no waste other than the tiny strips from creating a straight edge.
The eagle eyed amongst you will have spotted some Kate Spain Serenade in there, I was fortunate enough to win the collection in fat quarters a few years ago. I have been hoarding it since then, it has come out a few times to be stroked and then tucked away again. The time has come to put it to good use, I wish that I had yardage of some of the prints though, I have fallen in love with them.
I have added a few deeper and darker squares for a little balance and to kick myself slightly out of my light and bright comfort zone. It was painful to begin with but now I am enjoying the process. There will not be much brown though, I made a brown quilt for James a couple of years ago and totally sickened myself with it.

I hope to cut my way through all the smaller pieces as charms are my favourite precut and I am planning another Tumbling Charms quilt. The Kona Snow has been ordered, and that is a whole other tale.
I sat down for 5 minutes (HA) yesterday to order 2 yards, an quick and simple job.   Not So.
Site after site was entered only to find out of stock. After half an hour I took a chance and logged on to Button up and Stitch, the shop that I used in Wisbech. Success not only was it in stock but cheaper than any of the other sites. I may have had a little look through the sale page and some things may have jumped into my basket. 
It is an hours journey to my nearest fabric shops and if I am after something specific it is easier and cheaper to order online. Postage is either free or a nominal £2.50, much less than the cost of diesel.
And I still have the 2 hours travel time plus the 2 hours in the shop in my pocket, along with the cash that I would have spent on all the things that I spotted. Win Win.

Now I have to go get Ben back.

                     TTFN                                                        Pam


  1. I wish I could say we were revelling in this heat, it is really quite cold here more like a winters day than a spring day. Although no rain as yet it is looking overcast too. You have certainly been busy with all your preparation, some great fabrics.

    1. The car gauge read 25c this afternoon. I am itching to see these blocks sewn together.

  2. What lovely fabrics you have there. I'm ashamed to say that my quilting fabrics are stashed away. I open the drawer now and again to have a little peek at them but the thought of using my rotary cutter on them brings me out in a panic I'm very lucky (or not) to live only 20 minutes away from our patchwork shop but I have to limit my visits as it's a bit expensive.
    Heat? What heat? It's dull dreary and cold here today-x-

    1. I used to have a 30 minute trip to Cross Hands but Hilary gave up to retire, now it is Brecon, Lampeter or Newcastle Emlyn. There is a small shop in the Mumbles but they carry a restricted stock and a very pricey.


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