
Friday, 16 June 2017

Sew, Create and Recycle

That is the name of a new blog that I stumbled upon yesterday, I was enjoying a cuppa after making the Elderflower syrup and then cleaning the kitchen!
you can find it at

I spotted a comment and clicked on the name to have a nosy. There are recipes,vegan, for me to try, some sewing and dressmaking and lots of random things to read. Sounds a bit like this blog.

I have skimmed back a few months and followed, I don't want to miss something good.
 I will be trying out some of the recipes over the next few weeks. I look forward to sharing it all with you.

The weather has been kind again,although the clouds gathered once or twice. I managed to spend some time in the garden, some general tidying up and a little weeding. I hope the next door house sells soon, the garden is rapidly reverting to wilderness and most of my weeds are from seeds blown over. Then there are the brambles that seem to think they ought to be in my garden, I cut some back and lob them over the fence almost every day.

I cut my latest dress and the lining out, this is a pure experiment and I have no idea if it will work or if I am making posh dusters.

I did go and pick another lot of Elderflowers, the first batch is so good that I know it will disappear fast. I used far more flowerheads in the second batch and the juice and zest from one large orange and two huge lemons. 
The first batch is lovely but I hope that this one will turn out to be much more intense. I plan on using it in winter fruity puddings and sauces, it should give a little blast of summer days to the kitchen.
It is made and bottled and is now cooling down.

I have been quite tired this week so today will be fairly low key, just a meatloaf to make for dinner, and a little knitting on my cardigan sleeves. We are off to the food festival tomorrow and I do not want to be wiped out after an hour.
The sleeves are growing steadily, I did a little more this morning while watching the new Sew Sweet Violet podcast.
She has inspired me to dig out some strips of fabric and make some more bags, I could do with a couple of large ones for sweater projects. That will be for another week, once the experimental dress is finished.
One thing that I do want to do this weekend is make a slope for Fran. I know her dress size and skirt length but bodice fitting has to wait until she is here. I would love to be able to post a dress off to her every now and then, she gets through a lot of clothes in her work and, even in the sales, dresses (good ones) do not come cheap.

It has been suggested that I should have a podcast. It would be good to try but I have no idea how to go about it and am not sure that my hop and skip nature would make for good watching. I tend to go off on a tangent at the drop of a hat and that confuses me at times.

I just glanced at the clock and it is only 7:12, I wonder what time I got up. I didn't even glance at the clock and I have made the syrup and watched a podcast and done a few rows of knitting.

I still have to wash up but there isn't much there, just the pans and stuff from syrup making and my tea mug.

 I will go and have a pootle round the garden and see if any of the pots need watering, we did have rain overnight on Wednesday but it has been hot with a drying breeze since then. 
Then a little more knitting after Ben has had his walk should ease me nicely into the day which, by the way, looks like being glorious.

I will have a dish of fruit with some yogurt for breakfast I think, I am bound to pick some more strawberries on my wander.

                      TTFN                                             Pam


  1. I think you would be great at doing a pod cast :-)

    1. I will google it and see what comes up.

  2. It's a great blog isn't it.

    I love podcasts, I wonder how much work one would be. Have a good weekend.

    1. It is good, I went there from a comment on your blog. I am going to look and see about pod casting.

  3. Have a lovely weekend spoiling Fran and yourself hopefully xxx

    1. Thank you kate, I intend to do my very best.xx

  4. My most favourite thing to make with elederflower cordial is a jelly. Oh my life it tastes sooooo good and is very refreshing.
    Enjoy the food festival-x-

    1. I am going to be trying that idea out with some of my strawberries and possibly a dollop of cream on Sunday. Thank you for the tip.

  5. I have no idea what a pod cast is :o(

    1. It is really just a longer version of your videos on you tube. I am baffled by techno dribble.

  6. Love the sound of the elderflower cordial, really refreshing for the summer months. Just popped over to the blog and will take a better look around when I have a moment. Enjoy the food festival.

  7. Hi Pam, have a great weekend and yes I think you'd make a great podcaster, x

  8. I've read so many uk blogs lately where they have been making elderberry cordial. We don't have elderberries over here or I'm sure I'd be making it too! I think it would be great for you to make podcasts. I think you write just how you think and speak so you would be a natural. Hope you give it a go!

  9. I think you'd be great at podcasting, I love it when casters go off on a tangent, shows they're normal lol. All those who are currently casting had to start somewhere, I think you learn as you go on. I'd love to do it but am to self conscious to do so. My words get mixed up lol and I tend to say what comes into my head there and now. I'm sure you'd have a good following quite soon. Our weather today is dull and overcast and thankfully a lot cooler than yesterday. Whatever you're doing enjoy your day. X


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