
Monday 19 June 2017

Wonderful, wonderful day.

I know that is a line from a song from Seven brides for Seven Brothers, I can hear it as I write this, one of my favourite musicals. But it sums up yesterday to a tee.

We woke to a sun blazing out of an azure sky, but with just enough breeze to make it perfect for a leisurely walk with Ben.

Then at around 9:30, after a very skimpy breakfast, (we were going to a food festival) we set off on the 30 or so minute drive.

It proved to be a good idea as we were parked and in the festival site as they were opening up.

A stroll round to "suss" the place out and than we began the serious business of sampling the wares.

I tasted chutneys and relishes, jams, jellies and 7 different types of marmalade. There was a stall with some amazing Welsh cheeses, two of which came home with me along with a jar of Jamaican marmalade and another of "Weapons grade Chilli". That was for the SO. I also picked up 3 bottles of flavoured vinegar, Raspberry, Elderflower and Chilli, they will liven up my salads and make a change from my fig balsamic.
There was a large stand all about honey and the SO had a great time trying the large variety of local ones.
I am not a honey lover, Maple Syrup for me. Unfortunately it is not made in Wales. (come on Dawn, I remember that you planted some maples)
We decided that a cuppa was in order before we found some lunch and duly retired to the tea room.
Then wound our way out to the vendors stalls.

There was not one selling vegetarian or vegan food. It was most disappointing. I settled for a skewer of chicken (most of which the SO ate) with a mountain of salad (all of which I ate)

Then there was a demonstration of a simple dinner party, we got front row seats and started to watch. The meal was canapes followed by Beef Wellington and then a pudding. I have no idea what it was as I had to leave, the heat was unbearable.
There was also the fact that the chef wiped his nose on the back of both hands and then went on to handle the food without washing them. YEUK!!

This is why I do not eat out very much.

I had a little stroll round and took a few pics, none inside as it was so crowded.

Just a few shots of the house and the gardens and views over the grounds.

This is the dress that I wore, it was lovely and cool and just a bit "garden partyish".
I also wore a simple white hat when outside and lots of sun screen. I did see many people sporting a fiery red glow and shuddered for the pain that they would feel later.

We left around 2:00 and had a warm but uneventful drive home. A cuppa and a fuss with Ben later we prepared a roast dinner for Fran and a salad for ourselves. I know, it was hot, I didn't want to cook, but the only time Fran has a full on roast is when she is here.

While the SO did the washing up I took Ben out for a walk, we were joined by Rufus and his owner for part of the way. Rufus had a paddle in the little stream just over the road but Ben declined to join him. 
Then it was a slow wander back to settle down for the evening.

I did a little knitting, my cardigan sleeves are growing slowly, and I have another dress cut out, Lilou from my Tilly and the Buttons book. I have used some of the stash fabric and this will be a wearable toile (fingers crossed).

Fran liked the Hanging storage thingy that I made and has asked for 2 for her wardrobes. I have some iron in interfacing coming and will get the fabric cut out ready to make a start on them.

Oh yes, I had a play with the laptop and "who'd a thunk it" my camera takes videos, so more playing is booked for later in the week.
I gave the garden a good watering last night and it looks so much better for it, the font garden takes the most time as it is all watering can and rain water. Most of the plants out there do not particularly like tap water.  
Today will be  trip into Neath to get Fran to the station and then home and a normal Monday jobs list. dinner tonight will be a salad based around Quinoa and will include pumpkin and sunflower seeds for crunch and chickpeas because I love them.

Now the time has come for another (only my second) cuppa and then it will be time for Ben,s walk.

                 TTFN                                        Pam


  1. That sounds like a perfect Sunday afternoon....well apart from the chef....mucky blighter.
    That's a very pretty dress-x-

    1. Thank you Sheila, I have had the embroidered fabric for ages just waiting for inspiration. It was a lovely day.

  2. Ah, you were at Gelli Aur! Years since we were last there - we used to take the children regularly. They loved the Arboretum.

    Sounds like you sampled everything and bought sensibly. I was surprised there were no veggie or vegan options though - vegan seems to be "all the rage" these days.

    What a Pretty dress you wore (and made!) Enjoy sewing the next one and I hope you finish the sleeves soon as they seem to go on forever don't they?

    1. I am still plugging away at the sleeves, there is no rush. The wool has a slight halo so it is late evening knitting only otherwise I look as though I have been pebble dashed with candy floss.

  3. It sounds like a lovely day out in a beautiful setting but, urgh, I'm with you on the chef wiping his nose on his hands. Things like that just turn my stomach and puts me off eating out too. We had a wonderful day yesterday too, spent at the beach.

    1. I would have gone to the Gower for the beach but wanted to go to Dinefwr.

  4. Fancy there being no veggie food available at a food festival! What an oversight. Sounds a good day despite that though, apart from the tent saunas.

    1. I just couldn't understand it, there was a good selection of veggie and vegan food at Wonderwool.

  5. Your day does sound lovely! (Except for that chef...)
    Very pretty dress you wore.

    1. Thank you Vera, it was lovely and cool s both the outer and lining fabric were very lightweight cotton.

  6. sounds like a perfect day to me.

    1. It was indeed perfect, there were lots of shady spots to have a rest. Shame that i didn't have any knitting with me.

  7. Beautiful dress, your description of the chef put me off completely. Yuk!

    1. Thank you, the worse part of his conduct was that it was automatic and did not even register, obviously an ingrained habit.

  8. What a lovely way to spend the day.

    God bless.


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