
Monday, 28 January 2019

Cold and bright.

Today started off in a drizmal fashion but soon brightened up to some decent sun shine. The wind still has a frosty edge though and I was glad to have a cowl and hat on for the dog walks.

It did backup to some drizzle for about 5 minutes but is now nice and bright again.

I am fairly busy today as the SO is out all day, I am taking it steady though and this is a little sit down with a cuppa. Not counting but it may be the 3rd so far.

I have changed all the sofa throws and cushion covers, with my 2 terrors they need doing every week. Herbie will fly through the door on returning from a walk and if I am not swift to catch hold of his harness the nano second that the lead comes off he launches himself onto either sofa and leaps upon the cushions.

Ben is not so bad but again he needs a careful eye, if I am not quick enough to get him the second that he finishes eating he will jump onto HIS sofa and wipe his mouth on the cushions.

They are a pair of ragamuffins.

I do not think that there will be any crafting until the knitting comes out this evening, I want to get all my list of chores ticked off. If it is bright and dry tomorrow I fancy some time in the garden, if only to wash the greenhouse. It is a fetching shade of murky green with the odd darker splodge, nothing that a little soap and water can not cope with.

I am quite sad that I will not see any quinces this year, I had hoped to pick a few, the flowers have been open for some time now and there are not the insects around to pollinate them. Of course there is a chance that it is self fertile in which case I may be lucky. It was an unnamed  little twiggy stick, with a few leaves, in a pot for 20p in the garden centre a few years ago. I tipped the root ball out and it looked healthy so it came home with me. Being close to a Southwest facing wall it has a fair bit of protection and is looking very healthy now.

The washing machine has just gone into it's final spin and I may just be able to peg out. I will have a look round at the sky first though. There is not much worse than getting dripping wet washing off the line, I always end up wet through.

I think that is enough, I have some dusting and polishing to do now. It is amazing to me that I knew where these things live as I hardly ever use them. Shameless, that's what I am.

                      TTFN                                       Pam


  1. Beautiful sunshine here, but bitter cold outside. I have spent an hour in the garden with Will, he's very good at picking up leaves. Loads of bulbs showing in the garden.

  2. Grey and dismal here but at least the wind has died down a little.

  3. Drizmal, I like that word! I did a dog wash today - her bedding, blankets and towels, that is. Got it all dried on the line, beautiful sunshine albeit very cold.

  4. Try pollinating them yourself?


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