
Thursday 24 January 2019

SLOW Going.

Perhaps that should be Going Slow, I would like to say that I have learnt a lesson but have no idea what led to the "dicky ticker" episode. ( known from now on as DT). I was not galloping along, it was cold but not freezing, I am mystified.

Anyway a couple of days taking easy have done the trick. I have had a reasonably busy morning today, all the top kitchen cupboards have been emptied, cleaned and the contents replaced, after a bit of a shuffle.
In times before the "DT" I would have done the base units and the oven in the same time. I have learnt to take things steady.

The SO has bottomed the sitting room and the scent of lavender polish is wafting through the house. Lovely.

I have pulled a couple of towels from the cupboard, they are the sole survivors of long gone sets. Tomorrow, or the next day, I will be cutting them up and running the resulting squares through the overlocker. They make marvellous cleaning  cloths and stand up to a good hot wash without shrivelling into peculiar shapes.
Shades of my Granny coming out there, although as a child I was hemming the edges by hand. I had never seen a shop bought cleaning cloth till I went to boarding school. 

I went through the kitchen linens drawer and have rooted out one or three tea towels that have seen better days. Why is it that linen cloths only dry up properly when they are just about worn out?
On my next shopping trip (hopefully tomorrow) I will be looking for some. I should be going to Neath and hopefully I will find some decent ones.

The first thing on my list is a camera, I did go to Ammanford a few days ago and completely forgot, if it isn't on The List then I do not buy it.

The wall hangings are layered and pinned, I need to decide on the quilting. I will probably sew 1/4 " inside every seam, nothing too much as I want the fabric to be the star. Mental note, remember to add the hanging sleeves or loops.

We watched a strange film last night "The Shape of Water". Quite a ridiculous story but the leading actor was so convincing in the range of emotions that she portrayed that we watched to the credits.

We are having a light meal tonight, neither of us is particularly hungry so it will feature eggs and mushrooms, possibly some onion and sweet peppers. Maybe an omelette, perhaps a scramble on toast.

We had a little dusting of snow yesterday, Ben did his best to pretend that it wasn't there,  Herbie was fascinated and went doolally in the garden, diving into it and then blowing it off his face with gigantic snorts.

My chunky jumper is finished, it was a very quick make, I used the basic recipe from a magazine pattern but customised the yoke to my requirements. It did involve much trying on and posturing in the mirror, not so easy with magic loop cable and tips dangling, not to mention the yarn ball. At one point I almost lassoed Herbie, he thought it great fun.

On that happy thought I am off to get the dogs food ready, within 15 minutes they will be looking at me, doing a good impersonation of Oliver asking for more.

                       TTFN                                           Pam


  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better, Pam - although I wouldn't call turfing out the kitchen cupboards taking things easy! But perhaps that's just me! My husband is very much affected by cold weather since his heart failure diagnosis. If he doesn't wrap up very well with lots of layers and his face mask on and walk slowly (and not as far as usual) when taking the dog out when it's cold and/or windy, he's very unwell when he gets home.

    1. I did take my time and I was fed up to my back teeth with sitting still. The cold affects me as well, luckily I have a good supply of woolly garments, scarves, cowls and hats to wear.

  2. We watched that film too. As you stated it is a ridiculous story but somehow it held our attention too right to the end.

    1. I rated it almost as silly and compelling as Avatar.

  3. We never got over the strangness of the shape of water. My kitchen cabinets and tops of wall units is on my list of things to clean, but not this week.

    1. I did not do the tops, a step too far, but it is pencilled in for Monday. I have a rough rota for those "out of the way" places. I make it easy by covering the tops with wrapping paper rescued from Christmas gifts.

  4. You have quite a few interesting projects going on.

  5. I've not seen that film and I probably won't watch it. I have quite enough strangeness going on with this Game Of
    Glad to know that you are taking it easy when your body tells you to. The work is always there when you are back on top form.

    1. I still have not seen Game of Thrones and probably never will. I did watch Grimm though and enjoyed that in all its silliness.

  6. Taking things slowly is a good idea. You look after yourself.

    Tomorrow I plan on defrosting my upright freezer and getting a good inventory of what is in there and what we need to use up. Since it will be cold (freezing actually) I can load everything into hampers and put it all on the back deck.

    God bless.

    1. My upright is frost free and I wish that the chest one was as well. Still I wait till it is low down and then a hairdryer gets the frost off double quick.

  7. Tops of wall units.... I think my hubby must have been reading this, he was only saying the other day that we really need to go up the steps (that's the royal WE)

    1. It is a job that I hate, putting paper on means that I just roll it up, a quick wipe over with some white vinegar solution and then add fresh layer of paper. 10 minutes and it is done.


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