
Thursday 31 January 2019

Snow up to the wazoo!

Well that is what was forecast for today. We do have a very hard frost, the mountains are glistening, and there may have been a half dozen or so flakes. I am not counting my chickens just yet though as the forecast this morning was pretty grim. Seeing what parts of the US, Canada and Europe are getting I expect to see some more. Possibly in significant quantities.

I have started snapping some of my crafting but still have to download the software for the camera.
I am forging ahead with some piecing, once I start quilting I like to have plenty to go at. Setting the machine and work area up for a small project seems pointless.
I have the wall hangings and yesterday decided that new place mats and a runner would brighten up the kitchen. There are 6 mats ready layered and basted, (I used 505 spray as they are small) and the runner is part made. I plan on completing that today ready for a day of quilting tomorrow.

I have checked the cupboards, fridge and freezers and will not need to shop for 2 weeks. By then I will be reduced to using frozen veg but that aside I would be able to go at least 2 more weeks. Of course there would be no milk but neither of us take milk in tea or coffee and I like my porridge made with water and a pinch of salt.

The dogs have a good stock of food and treats in so they are fine as well. I can always make a batch of banana biscuits for them, there are bananas in the freezer at all times.

One thing that did slip off the radar is coconut milk, I like to have a couple of tins in but it has been used. Even that is not too important as I bought some coconut powder for adding the taste without liquid to some recipes.

I just realised how selfish all that sounds, quite a touch of "I'm alright Jack" there.
It is all about upbringing and planning, if you add 2 things for the store cupboard to every shop you soon build up an emergency supply. 
With that in mind there are those who can not buy enough for the week never mind any extras. The food bank drops in our local Tesco stores are well fed and I like to do my bit. 

I wish that the budget stores had them as well, £10 goes so much further in Home Bargains than it does in Tesco.
I have said before that I add tins and jars of food that can be eaten cold, sometimes people have to chose between food and power. keeping up with laundry for a family can cost eye watering amounts of money, try getting clothes for a couple of kids dry in this weather.

Enough of the waffle, it is almost time to get wrapped up to walk Rufus and Herbie. Herbie is loving the frost, he found a disk of ice in the garden this morning and had a mad 10 minutes throwing it about before crunching it up.

                              TTFN                                   Pam


  1. Good post, we too would be ok if snow hit, but fingers crossed it will miss us again. Still when it's so cold, it's better to be inside in the warm. Plus I have plenty of yarn to keep me busy.

    1. I am torn between knitting and sewing. Sewing won today.

  2. It doesn't sound selfish, it sounds very sensible and forward looking. Good for you.

    1. It comes from growing up a long walk from the nearest shop.

  3. Very hard frost here this morning, along with the most beautiful bright orange/red sky, which quickly disappeared to be replaced with wall to wall cloud. Snow is forecast this afternoon/evening, but none tomorrow, so hopefully it won't last.

    1. Our snow has all but gone, hopefully there will be no more.

  4. A very heavy frost here too Pam and no snow as yet.
    I could do with a trip to the supermarket this evening but only if the roads are fit to travel.

    1. Hope you made the shops safely Sheila, I am off shopping for a week at least. Too busy sewing.

  5. Must admit we are alright, I do keep a large stock cupboard but my heart goes out to those who are not as fortunate.

    1. It is disgraceful that in this time of plenty that food banks are more essential than ever.

  6. My daughter lives in Chicago,IL and it was -38f yesterday. Her office and most of the businesses around had closed. She did her shopping on Monday and Tuesday ahead of the freeze. We’ve just had a thunderstorm or 2 and heavy rain. Stay safe and warm.

    1. A sensible woman, we have had plenty of warning so no one should have to brave the elements.

  7. As a Canadian that has undergone some pretty rough weather the past few days, I am happy to report that it actually warmed up a bit today. The warmer weather won't last long as they are predicting a return to frigid temperatures.

    God bless.

    1. I used to dream of seeing snow in vast quantities. The one winter we got it, snowed in for 10 days and struggling to keep all the animals safe and fed. Of course it is so rare here that we are not prepared.

  8. I am reading your blog and comments as I sit under the air conditioner in the corner of the lounge. I am in Aus, so the temp outside is 36C at the moment (according to my phone, next time I'm at the hardware store I will get an outside thermometer, I do like to be accurate). All the talk of ice and snow is cooling me down. My son lately moved me into this old farmhouse of his (some of it is 100 years) because I lived too far away and was becoming "forgetful", yeah right. Well I may as well move now (74 years of age) than later, when I may need more help. Must say I am looking forward to bringing the garden back to its best, it's been years since I had real dirt, lol. Pardon my rabbiting on, it was the thought of ice and snow that did it.

    1. I have visited WA a few times and was there in January/February one year. The heat was amazing but with minimal humidity it was wonderful. I did not sit in the air conditioned house but did keep in the shade. I am 67 and hope not to need help for many years yet, but you never know what is just around the corner.

  9. Just LOVE your blogs PAM XX

    1. Thank you Maureen. I do tend to rabbit on and jump around a bit.

    2. That only makes it more fun and interesting x make sure you rest well today x

  10. I live in the same province as Jackie, although we are further north. At the moment it is -13C and snowing since last night. Have shoveled twice already! We are going out later to walk some laps at the mall and out for supper. It is supposed to be MUCH colder for the next 4 days, around -28C, so we won't be going out again until it warms up a bit. I'll be too busy shoveling!!


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