
Thursday 4 April 2019

I'm Dreaming of a White Easter.

Why not? We have snow this morning, it has just stopped after 3 hours solid. Ben treated it with the contempt it deserved but Herbie was beside himself. He really is a dog of very little brain, he seems to have forgotten the last lot already.

The SO was not best pleased, he is building a Pergola and wants to see it finished ready for planting.

I am ambivalent about it, we are far more likely to see snow at Easter than at Christmas now. Not sure how that measures up to Global Warming, it just seems part of the shift in weather patterns that has been with us for a while now.

I did have the fantasy  thought of a rocket that would turn the world upside down and make us the Southern Hemisphere, all that warmth mmmmmmm.

Then I thought , Knitting in that heat.... no way Jose, and set my mind upon some cosy yarny goodness once the chores are done.
I am about 30 rounds away from the stripy jumper finish and have the next WIP lined up ready. I have to as I would cast on another cowl, yarn, pattern and needles are ready in my tea hamper basket. Sitting on top of the dresser, looking at me with temptation written all over it. bad basket. I will resist, I WILL.

The SO is watching the Grand Tour so I am happy to have a few jobs to attend to. I used to like the mad 3 in Top Gear but am not so keen on the new program. I think that I am a bit of a "Ladette" as I like lots of the car programs, Love that Counting Cars is back, and lots of the "shed" type shows. I recently found Alaska Homestead Rescue, the name is a bit off as it is not set in Alaska, last nights program was set in Missouri. I tell you that I wanted to reach into the screen and slap 2 of the people. STOP NOW. I do not want to bore you all rigid.

My telly watching is like the rest of my life, jumping around like a flea beetle. I blame it on my Gemini star sign. Or it could be that I just find things interesting, often I will find a program, like the content and dislike the presentation or the presenter,s style.

Anyhoo, for the moment I am looking at my time management. I have decided that (for now at least) to give myself the time to sit at the 'puter once I come back from the dog walk. No timer on, but I think that may have to happen, just a glance at the clock every now and then to stop me sitting here for 5 hours, or so.

It does mean that I will be a day behind on some of my list, but I can not think of a better time in the day. The morning between fist and second dog walk is generally not interrupted by phone calls or visitors. also by the afternoon I am usually set for the day with some craft or other, or deep into a job that I want to finish in one hit. 

 You have been warned, now we will see how long I can keep it up before being led off  track.

Oooh, nearly forgot.
I have ordered a drop spindle and some "fluff" to practice with. Next Tuesday I plan on going to visit one of the groups that I found on line. It means driving through Ammanford and Llandeilo so if it becomes a regular thing I will be planning to make that my regular shopping day. 2 birds, 1 stone, suits me down to the ground. Not to mention that I will be withing spitting distance of the fabric and yarn shops. That has not influenced me in any way, shape or form. It so Serendipitous though, karma even. I take it as a sign that this is what I should be planning to do.

I am hoping that the group members will be able to point me in the right direction as to which wheel is best for what I want. Fingers crossed they may even offer a little hands on try and a smidgeon of tuition.

I have been wittering for long enough and the vacuum cleaner is in the sewing room waiting for some attention ( the duster and polish are there as well, sigh). 

                       TTFN                                           Pam


  1. How exciting to learn how to spin, hopefully you will share some tips with us. I am so glad there is no snow here, although there is snow on the mainland.

    1. It has been simmering away in my mind for ages now and has popped up to the surface. The snow was gone fast and that,s for the best. It is pretty when fresh but once brown and half frozen it is horrid to look at and nasty to walk over.


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