
Friday, 12 April 2019


For a call back from the surgery. I have to have my medication reviewed, annoying but I suppose that it is necessary.
It means that I am tied to the house, if I had a mobile I still could not go anywhere. Going by their past performance I will get a call giving me about 5 minutes to get there. It could be worse, the last time this happened they called me with a time that had passed 15 minutes before the call.

Oh well, I am getting through the chores like a hot knife through butter. At this rate I will have tomorrows list done by lunchtime.
I did do some knitting on my socks last night but spent most of the evening getting to know my wheel. I will not be using it till I have got some oil, and then I will need some more bobbins. I will be taking the flyer and single bobbin with me to Spinning group on Tuesday. From my measurements I can use the standard Ashford Double Drive Bobbin, the one on the wheel is the same length but a slightly different shape. I am sure that the spinners will put me right.

I had a lovely time at the holding where I got the wheel, a guided tour and some up close and personal time with the Black Welsh Mountain sheep, 2 sorts of goats and a collection (herd?) of Alpacas. There are pigs, but they were at the far end of their enclosure and a myriad selection of fowl.
The dogs were, of course, there and as bouncy as you could want.
There are fleece available, both the sheep and the alpacas. The latter come in a selection of colours so I will be spoilt for choice. 

The SO is interested in the wheel, mainly from a "how does it work" point of view, which is good. Can I see a second wheel in our future? It seems quite possible after all he had me teach him patchwork and quilting. he also cleans and services the overlocker. many years ago his mother used a large commercial model, at home, and he "helped". That could mean that he just about ruled the roost in that area.

He has an inquiring mind and loves to learn new skills.

The dogs have had to make do with the garden today, as soon as I get the call I can factor in a good walk for them, AND peg my washing out. I just know that if I go out to the line the phone will ring and I will miss it.

On that note I am off to be near enough to snatch the phone off the stand the second that it rings.
Of course it was left on the dresser all yesterday till this morning so is too low on charge to take out of the house. DUH!

I will be replying to comments a bit later when I can relax after getting my call.

                               TTFN                               Pam


  1. You are really going to have such fun with that wheel aren't you.

  2. I hope they don't keep you waiting too long, Pam. If you're anything like me, you're not very patient!

  3. Hi Pam, I’m a novice spinner having learnt at my village spinning group last November. I bought a secondhand Ashford Spinning wheel for £300 ncluding lots of accessories. Black Welsh Mounrain fleece is brilliant for a beginner because it practically spins itself. I’m currently spinning Romney Marsh fleece which is lovely- almost as easy as BWM but with the added benefit it can be dyed. I bought 500g fleece ready to spin for £8, but my next (unwashed) fleece will come from Matilda, a BWM sheep who is 13 and has just lambed after a few barren years. I have a big sink in an outroom which I plan to turn into my fleece processing and dyeing workshop. I have sown seed of madder and woad but onion skins and berries give really good results too. It is all very addictive and I also started needle felting with all my mistakes and now have a collection of speckled eggy shapes for the Easter tree! I’m commenting anonymously because google doesn’t like me but will sign off as Sarah. Good luck with it all, looking forward to reading all about your adventures!

  4. Glad you have your new-to-you wheel now and have fun with it. Hope you didn't have to wait around too long for your medication review. It sounds like you had a nice time at the smallholding - a nice little jolly out in all ways!

  5. I enjoyed knitting with alpaca wool, how exciting to have fleece locally for you to use.

  6. Hope you got your call.

    God bless.


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