
Saturday 18 May 2019

Time for.......

An early tea break.
The postie arrived just a few minutes ago, I was busy beeing round the kitchen preparing tonight's dinner. Pasta, broccoli, cauliflower and cheese bake, and he brought me a little parcel.
We all know that the best things come in small lots.

And these are some of the best.

A beautiful hand made card, hoping that I recover soon.
2 naked bars, that inspired the tea break.
Some lovely hand cream, I get through lakes of that in gardening seasons.
Many packets of seeds, most of my favourites are in there, Nigella, larkspur, Aquilegia, Foxgloves and many more. All it needed was a Mr D'Arcy and my life could not get better. Colin Firth, with that wet shirt... Ooh Err Missus. I may be old but i'm not dead.

I have taken a photo but it will not load, if things change I will update or maybe add another post later today.

I hate techy problems. They get orn my wick.

I will leave you now and enjoy my cuppa, and my Naked Lemon Drizzle.

wus up? 

Who sent it?

Oops, it was the lovely Sue (her indoors).

Um nowagorn.
                    TTFN                                        Pam


  1. Mail is always a treat. Hope you enjoyed your tea.

    God bless.

    1. I did thank you, and the lemon drizzle bar was super.

  2. I just wanted to show my appreciation for the lovely blanket. Sorry I couldn't send Mr D'Arcy x

    1. I understand, the postage would have been exorbitant and then the insurance.

  3. Always a joy to have mail, sound like a lovely gift.


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