
Thursday 2 May 2019

T'is me, I'm back

My absence was painful but necessary, everything is sorted but I have missed you all.
So much was whirling through my head, and my fingers (cue spinning) that a total ban on the 'puter was the only way.
It worked.

Now, as much as I would like to play catch up it will probably not happen. I will dip in and out of my blog list but that will have to suffice. There are only so many hours in the day.

The only part of my day to day "stuff" that has been neglected is the garden, by the weekend i hope to have rectified that situation.

I did a trolley dash round Tesco yesterday late afternoon, the shop was almost empty, and I had my list and mostly stuck to it.
I did snaffle some blocks of Cheddar RTC, now safely grated and tucked away in the freezer, for a steal of a price......£2 a kilo. I also grabbed some bags of Cinnamon and Raisin Bagels for the SO (my rock) for 40p. I do make loaves like this but he does like a Bagel for breakfast every now and then.

I am missing Francesca but she will be back at the end of the month. I like to jazz up her room for each visit, it will be too late for a Maypole but I will think of something. A wander round Home Bargains may give me some ideas that I can steal copy from what I have in the sewing room.

I am a bit bleary eyed this morning, to cap it all I am in the middle of a sciatica session, my body wakes up as usual but the mind takes a little longer to kick off the painkiller induced fog.
I hate taking them but it is that or no sleep. My medication review went like a breeze and it will be a year before the next one.

I will take a photo of my new to me spinning wheel later, once I can focus, and the Q A Y G quilt blocks that have saved my sanity. Shutting myself in the sewing room and completing a block each day has kept me from tearing my hair out. It will be a gift (tomorrow fingers crossed) for a friend and neighbour.

Why does spellcheck insist that I should use the US "neighbor"? If it is such a "knowitall" then why can it not tell that I am in the UK?

Spinning has been neglected, I did manage the meeting on Tuesday but had to leave early, I just could not concentrate on hands and feet at the same time. There was not enough room in my conscious 
mind for it all, sewing was the easiest option, many years of muscle memory I went on to automatic pilot.

I have to get creative with some Haslet for the SO tonight, not one of my favourite foods by any stretch of the imagination, he really likes it. I do not think that slapping it on a plate with some salad will cut the mustard. I may combine it with something and use to fill a jacket potato, or perhaps a Hash would work better. He likes both of those so we will see. he is working extremely hard at the moment and deserves a treat.

I have kept up with the house, there is a small load of washing for later but that is it, I nearly forgot that I ought to whisk a damp cloth round the staircase, all those fancy curves seem to attract the dust like iron filings to a magnet. I have one of those mitts with a smooth side and a "shag pile" reverse side, a light spray with my vinegar solution and 2 shakes of a lambs tail and job,s a goodun.

Now I think that it is definitely Tea o'clock so I must leave you to get a brew on.

It's good to be back.
                           TTFN                                    Pam


  1. Welcome back Pam, I've missed you as well! x

    1. Keeping off the 'puter was the only way to focus on all the stuff. I am glad to be back.

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon Pam, I can't wait to see results from your spinning wheel and your patchwork.

    1. My spinning is coming along nicely and I am overflowing with patchwork ideas. It,s a good thing that the evenings are drawing out.

  3. I am so glad you are back Pam and I hope that your pain is less. I am suffering knee problems just now and seem to live from one dose of painkillers to another. I have been trying to keep up with the house and today while Alfie is at Happy Hounds I hope to get on top of the washing. I have been cross stitching of late doing a sort of round robin with my daughter trying to get our stash down. Take care Pam, Hilary xx

    1. I am still on the pain meds but smaller doses and only at night.
      Chronic pain really drags you down but summer is on the way, allegedly.

  4. Welcome back have been missed.

  5. I have missed your posts Pam. Glad to see you back again

  6. Sending you care and love, and grateful thanks for all that you write and share upon your blog. You have been very much missed by me. Sending loving care, and hope that you are now feeling okay, Michelle in Wellington, New Zealand, xx xx

    1. Thank you Michelle, the warm weather has been a boon but that is going away now. Still, summer is on the way and sunshine always makes me feel good.

  7. Welcome back Pam, I hope your sciatica is getting better and you're feeling better soon.

    1. It seems to have taken residence in my left side and is just grumbling away, it is bearable though and I only take meds at night. Thank you.

  8. Welcome back, you were missed.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your wheel and what you have been able to do.

    1. It is all new but I am loving it, the trouble is that patchwork is calling me as well.

  9. You have definitely been missed.

    God bless.

  10. I'm sorry to hear about the pain you're in, I do hope you get some relief from it soon. How exciting to have a new hobby to get stuck into, spinning is something I've never had a go at myself.

    1. I used a drop spindle at primary school and I can just about remember my Great Grandmother having a wheel. I am looking forward to preparing a fleece from scratch.

  11. Pam, I cleared up chronic sciatica about 4-5 years ago by doing an exercise on the NHS website. (I am in the US). Just do a search. I think it was called a gluteal thrust or stretch. Pretty easy, and not painful. You are only supposed to do it 3 times, several times a day, but once I saw how much it helped, I did it all the time.

    In case I've got the name wrong, this is how you do it: Lie on a flat surface and bend the knee on the opposite side that hurts. Now put your other leg over the bent knee, like you were crossing your legs. Clasp both hands around the back of your thigh and pull steadily for about 30 seconds. (This shouldn't hurt). Repeat two more times.

    I underwent many months of physical therapy before this, and it never did get that much better. These exercises work! Now, whenever I have the first hint of sciatic pain, I do a couple of repetitions and it all goes away.

    Hope it works for you!

  12. Thank you for that, I do some stretching exercises but nothing quite like this. I will add it into my routine and see how it goes.


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