
Tuesday 26 May 2020

Another day

Another year older. 69 years ago yesterday I entered the world in a rush and I have been rushing ever since.

I like to be busy and hate sitting with empty hands. I am not sure whether it is nature or nurture but my Granny and my Mum were just the same. Of my siblings both my brothers are fidgets and my eldest sister is, my baby sister (52) could still be a teenager as she is quite happy to just loll.

Michael continues to walk/shuffle/hop around with his elbow crutches but is still in some considerable pain.

Herbie is delighted to have a sofa bound person to snuggle down with. He does sit with me at times but hates it when I move, he's not too keen on me knitting either, I am sure that he resents every tiny movement.

I sat in the sun too long yesterday and have the headache to prove it this morning, 2 paracetamol will soon sort that out. I did have shade up but the rays bounce off shiny surfaces and of course I wasn't sitting for long stretches, I was back and forth across the garden.

Nothing much planned for today, there is a small pile of ironing and I will do the usual bathroom/kitchen/hoover. I am convinced that I hoover up a dogs worth of hair every morning.

The garden is looking a bit wild after the wind and I will be putting some changes in place through the summer. The Czar plum has some tiny fruitlets on it so it may live on but it has to be stopped and at least 3 feet taken off. The soft fruit bushes will be lifted in autumn and relocated, they are in the wrong place. The new raised bed will take that space ready for next spring.

I have cast a beady eye over my bedroom and want to make some small changes. I have a storage unit that is not right for my needs so it will be swapped out. I need a chest to house my quilts, they are vac packed on top of the wardrobe. I am sick of looking at them so that will be sorted as soon as possible. 

I have got the rest of the house more or less as I want it, things do change from time to time, and am happy with it. The sewing room is slowly being denuded of stash. stacks of smaller cuts of fabric went into the face masks and the paler and bright skeins of wool have produced many pairs of socks. I look forward to using the darker and richer colours once my eyes are dealt with. There will be no need for more sock yarn this year, and probably much of the next one. All the leftovers are making scrappy socks or going into a scrappy Flax Light, that is about 3/4 done. I still have an amazing amount of scraps to work through.

It is time that I stirred myself off the sofa and moved about, I don't want to seize up.

Stay safe.

                              TTFN                                Pam


  1. Happy Birthday and you’re must a young thing-I was 70 in January and until lockdown was gadding about every day. I love to hear about changes to furniture etc as last week I got Norrie to put a door on a set of shelves to create more storage in the shower room. It’s not beautiful because he used scrap wood but I am so happy to gather all the toiletries out of sight. Enjoy your day and stay safe. Catriona (in a glorious sunny Scotland)

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to you. xx

  3. Happy birthday Oam, I think planning is the best bit of doing anything, all those ideas, researching what about, it's almost as good as finishing it.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Pam xx No mention of cake in this busy busy busy post xx

  5. Happy Belated Birthay Pam. I hopw Michael is feeling better soon.

  6. Happy Birthday, as Indiana Jones said in Raiders of the Lost Ark, "It's not the years, it's the mileage".

  7. Happy birthday! It’s my birthday tomorrow but I can add 4 years to your youthful 69! Enjoy the lovely weather, using up scraps and planning for tweaks in the house and garden. Best wishes to Michael.


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