
Wednesday 6 May 2020

Indoors! In this weather?

Too right I am. I have no wish to go crisp and red and am rationing the factor 50.
Even the dogs came in voluntarily as the sun soared overhead, usually they have to be turfed off the patio chairs and herded inside.

I have been out and at it for most of the morning. The first sowing of Autumn King carrots to follow on from Nantes, and hopefully sit in the ground over winter.
I have put 4 courgette plants into containers to clear a little room in the greenhouse. The pots are big and I have layered wood chippings for drainage, well rotted manure, homemade manure then some grass clippings, for the worms to munch on, toped off with multi purpose compost. 
I know, it's too early to plant them out BUT, they are in a sunny and sheltered spot and  have tall covers for overnight. They will each be growing up through a tomato cage, that way I will not have to scrabble through those scratchy leaves.  Perhaps missing some that turn into marrows in the blink of an eye.

Some of the tomatoes will have to be potted on again, I thought that I was late getting the seed in but not a bit. I know that I was too early with some of the beans but after next Sunday and Mondays cold snap the larger ones will go out. The bed and supports are ready and I have fleece to protect them. Likewise the potatoes in pots, fleece is to hand ready to fling over, I did cover them last night but the temperature didn't drop that low.

There are not enough hours in the day for me now, its not all work though. The dogs keep me occupied with 2 long walks daily and a third shorter one if weather permits. They love to be in the garden and I have to be out with them, just like children what one doesn't think of the other one will. 
Herbie in particular knows that strawberries are on the way and is trying to climb up to investigate.( I moved all my plants into containers to claim the bed for veggies)
While his foster sister leaps like a springbok and is sizing up the fence round the raised beds.
Little Poppy is a typical terrier and is constantly busy and if there is the slightest space will push her nose into it. She is tiny and I am concerned that she may wriggle free.

The minute that I sit down with a cuppa or cool drink Poppy is on my lap and the phone starts, I am almost certain that there is a concealed camera telling everyone when I am indoors. I have not been into blogland or you tubeville for ages and am so far behind with recorded TV programs that I might just delete them all. Even if I didn't sleep I could not catch up in a month.

None of this should be regarded as a whinge or moan. I love being so occupied, most of my friends are in the same position. Some like me with pets and gardens others with children and gardens. Most of us are only too pleased that we cannot go shopping at the drop of a hat or the wail of "can you just nip to town and pick up.......for me?)

On that note I am off to get the kettle on and check that I have everything that I need out for dinner, pasta with a chicken, leek and cheese sauce. Not forgetting salad leaves and herbs from the garden, baby radishes as well tonight and pea shoots.

Stay safe.
                                TTFN                                 Pam


  1. Such a lovely cheerful post.
    I am pleased you are back.
    Keep safe, Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  2. It's lovely to read you are happy and enjoying the staying in time. I've been busier than ever with phone calls from friends. Not enough hours in the day here but i'll enjoying the slower relaxed pace.


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