
Saturday 30 May 2020

Still Troshin'

I have not let the grass grow under my feet (I did cut the lawn) for the past 3 days, it hasnt quite been perpetual movement but close, very close.

The newly planted bed looks splendid, tomatoes standing to attention and courgettes putting on strong growth.

My attention is now focussed on the cucumbers, those reluctant little plants who seemed to wish to stay as seeds forever.

I now have a dozen healthly plants of varying sizes. 
Where to put them ?
How to grow them ?

My friend Jess grows hers up rose arches, mmmm very pretty.
I don't have rose arches.
I am not about to drive out searching for some.
My garden is more exposed and I am not sure how suitable they would be.
Or how long they would last.
Or where I would put them.

What I do have is a good supply of Hazel rods.
I could make stylised arches, a bit rustic,widthways against one of the fences. I can push the rods into the ground, tie in cross members at the height that suits me (and the rod length) and then tie in short bits like ladder rungs. It is possible to fix them to the fence if I wish to.
They can be level with the top of the fence, so no wind damage.
They would be behind the newly planted tomatoes.
They would cost nothing but a bit of work (and that's my favourite price FREE)

Guess what I will be doing today.

I had a look on line and strong arches are a wicked price, the cheapy ones are blown together, and blow apart easily in the wind. Plus they rust, wood rots and goes into compost eventually and then gets replaced.

I have been knitting a little, reading a little, watching a tiny bit of TV and the days are full. I relised this morning that I am living as my granny did, she rarely went further than the garden for large chunks of her life. For a few years she worked in Norwich and of course there were the annual trips out with the Buffs and the Oddfellows. If we managed a day out at the seaside, as long as it wasn't Gt. Yarmouth, she would come. Cromer, Sheringham and Wells next the sea were her favourites. 

I am happy to live like this, for now, I do miss meeting with friends and am aching to see the grandchildren, but it will happen. Later rather than sooner, but it's best to be safe.

On that thought it's time that I got herbie out, he is giving my the look, he wants his walk and he wants it now.

Stay safe.

                                 TTFN                           Pam


  1. I do love the coastline in Norfolk, right round to Hunstanton. So much to see and do along there. It's our place to go for peace and tranquillity from the town and only 2 hours away.
    The slower pace is suiting so many of us right now.
    I'm just off for tea and cake I the garden now the suns moved round and I can sit in the shade.
    Warmest wishes, hope hubby is improving each day.

  2. I've never been to Norfolk but any coastline is good for a special day out, and I am guessing we will REALLY appreciate a breath of sea air again when it is safe to venture forth once more.

    Tam has made two cucumber frames up using a strong straight branch as an upright and then a square frame filled with a rigid plastic mesh - we had half a metre of it left over from when we bought a roll to support clematises etc around the garden border. Should work a treat. When I grew cucumbers in the polytunnel I just tied a length of string to the roof frame and they were happy to clamber up those.


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