
Wednesday 6 December 2017

Work or play?

The normal Wednesday hospital run dragged on today,the clinic was very busy and they were running late. I always take some knitting and this time it was another hat.
I cast it on at knit and natter yesterday and just played at working out a stitch pattern.

You may be able to see the effect, this one is for the donation box, once I have written the pattern out I will make it again using coloured yarns. I can see it in my minds eye and hope that it will lead to a family of sweaters and hats for this time next year.

Last nights dinner was a massive win win, it was tasty, unctuous and W enjoyed his as much as we did. It will be on the menu again, most likely with some variations, I want to find some vegan cheese to try in it.

Tonight we are having a Jack Monro recipe, Rich Lentil Ragu from her cooking on a bootstrap blog.The smell wafting from the slow cooker is amazing. I almost followed the recipe, I cooked my Puy lentils from scratch and I added a small chilli from one of my plants. They are small but very powerful so a squeeze of lemon juice will go in at the point of serving and I did add a tsp of sugar. I also doubled the quantities and half will be frozen.

Because I ran out of time before setting off this morning I did make the sauce on the stove top and added to the slow cooker to carry on for 4 hours on low. The pan in the background has the lentils cooking away.

Here it is in the pot and about to be lidded and left to "do it's thing".

Now it is time for me to persuade Ben that he really wants to get off the sofa and eat his dinner, he is in full on lazy bones mode this afternoon.

                               TTFN                                    Pam

PS.It has been lashing down this afternoon, I have been playing/working on the stitch pattern and watching some repeats of Poirot.
After dinner and washing up etc the Elf slippers will be in my hands. Photo,s as soon as there is something worth looking at. I have to figure out the somewhat hazy finishing off instructions.


  1. That stitch pattern is lovely.

    God bless.

  2. Your 'lashing down' has just arrived here this morning and I will not be going out in it if I can help it.


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