
Friday 1 December 2017


Another week has flown by and left me bewildered as to how fast it happened. Yesterday I had to take my neighbour W to the dentist, he had forgotten the appointment so it was a last minute rush around. He was lucky to catch me as I was just about to set off to Sit and Sew at The Flying Goose.

His condition is improving, albeit slowly, and the wound from the surgery is healing well so stitches out next week.

I do not begrudge one second of the time that I give, after all no one knows what is just around the corner. But, there is a tiny little regret at all the crafty time that has gone never to be had again. I don't think that statement makes me bad, just honest. I have the same feeling about essential jobs and shopping. I hate shopping, all the time to get there, pushing that trolley round, queuing, the drive back and then the very worst bit.....putting it all away. Mind you since I started to shop the "mean queen" way it has shaved lots of time from the trip, and the actual cost has been close shaved as well. Win Win.

At some point in the next couple of weeks I will be making an essentials list of all the non perishables, followed by a Big Shop. 

This means that for around 3 months I only have to do perishable shopping, saving lots of time. After the festivities I like to give the house a good fettling, and do much the same in the garden.
Then when Spring arrives I can devote as much time as I want to what ever I want. 

I have a "bucket list" of new crafting skills to work through  and am looking forward with glee to doing so.

I don't make resolutions as such but like to have a word or phrase that reflects what I want to aspire to. I think that Explore might be the word for 2018. I am happy in my comfortable, well tread path but that path is in danger of becoming a rut. Not good.

I get lots of inspiration from Dawn at being self sufficient in Wales, not only have she and her husband developed a small bit of the country into a wonderful food producing holding, she makes the most beautiful items in her log cabin.

My blog reading list reflects my crafty interests and You Tube is a good source as well.

Must fly, it is time to walk Rufus.

                       TTFN                                     Pam


  1. Pam your skill set is fantastic, I use both the red knitting bag ( for my stitching) and the quilted envelope all the time. Can't wait to see what you make next.

    1. Thank you Marlene, I am still to get to grips with cross stitch. It's time will come.

  2. This week has certainly gone by in a blur. I'm hoping next week will be a bit calmer.

    1. I know that it is supposed to be a sign of getting older but even my younger friends are complaining about time flying past.

  3. Love "Explore" for 2018. I may have to steal that idea. Seems perfect! Happy weekend...your week flew by and mine seemed long (back to work after a few days off for US Thanksgiving).

    1. I hope that you enjoyed your celebrations, I think that Thanksgiving must be a wonderful time filled with so much meaning.

  4. Have fun exploring that bucket list of crafting skills.

    God bless.

    1. Trouble is the bucket has been "up sized " twice and is overflowing.


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