
Sunday 6 May 2018

Me Made May day 6.

Another glorious day, the dogs had an extended walk this morning. The sun had brought lots of new dog walkers with new dogs to meet and greet. Herbie was beside himself with joy, he wagged his tail non stop and was very enthusiastic and friendly with his greetings. He did have to take a step or two backwards upon meeting a very long legged Doberman but they had a play. He went off his lead for the first time as we were in a secure area and I knew many of the dogs there and all of them are quick to return when called.

We have a date for tomorrow morning as more fine weather is forecast.

As it is a sunny Sunday I pulled clothes out from the back of my wardrobe.

A few years ago I saw butterfly fabric in shop windows, made into dresses, skirts, tops, shorts etc. But no matter where I looked for fabric I could not find it at all.
Then when shopping in Asda I spotted duvet cover sets in shades of blue, in a butterfly print. Of course I bought one, after touching the fabric to see if it was good or just cheap and nasty. It was not bad at all so once cut in halves, I washed and pressed it and set to drafting a circular skirt pattern. I was too impatient to get it made to line it but made a petticoat later.
Then because I did not want to waste any fabric I made a little bolero style jacket, I did fully line that. I have worn them many times, both together and as separates.
I did use most of the fabric as it made linings for bags and the remainder went into a patchwork cushion for the grandchildrens tee pee.

I am knitting a pair of long scrappy socks for a friend and loving it.


I caught a you tube video showing how to knit toe up, two at a time socks with the Fleegle heel. That heel has been on my to do list for a while soooo this evening I may just cast on a pair for myself.

Photo,s tomorrow of whatever I manage to do.

It is getting close to lunch time so I am off to cast my eyes over the fridge contents, I have no idea what dinner will be, something light with salad probably..
I am off to Tesco later so may have a look at the RTC shelf.

                              TTFN                        Pam


  1. I would love to make my clothes, I made most of what I wore in 70's but my wardrobe is full of things to wear, I don't dare make any more. I was thinking of you yesterday, I was looking for knitting needles in the red roll you made me.

    1. I am almost at the no need to sew clothes stage, for myself at least. Francesca loves to wear custom made so there will be sewing again soon.

  2. How awesome that you made that gorgeous outfit from a duvet cover. I have often looked at duvet covers and thought...ooooh I'd love a dress in that fabric. I might be brave enough to try it next time I see one I like.

    1. It was so reasonable, I think that the set cost £12 and I used just about every scrap, including the popper strips. They made the closure for the grands Tee Pee. Have a go, you can always wear it for gardening.

  3. My favourite so far, love the beautiful style of both the skirt and the jacket.

    1. I have not worn that set for a while and had forgotten how comfy it was. I still have the pattern so may run up another one.

  4. Very pretty outfit!

    God bless.

  5. what a beautiful outfit you've made,, I'm really curious as to the socks toe up turn out!! Best wishes from Canada.

    1. I am curious as well, they will be my first pair knitted toe up. I have watched a couple of videos and now feel ready to try them.

  6. Lovely! Very clever to use the duvet cover, I think. Would never have thought of that myself. I noticed you mention grandchildren occasionally, but I've only ever heard you mention Fran as your child. Do you have other children or are these the SO's prodigy products? Just curious...Cheers from Utah, USA.

    1. There are Francesca and James who are the SO's children. Francesca is a career woman right now. James and his partner have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl, these are my grandchildren as far as I am concerned. They are a delightful trio, completely normal children who know every trick in the book. They can be cherubs one minute and wild cats the next but luckily they do not turn wild very often. When i spot a patterned fabric that I really like I do not worry what it was made to be. If I can use it for a project then I go ahead. I have a collection of vintage pillowcases that are 100% cotton, as soft as butter and just perfect for baby quilts.


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