
Sunday 13 May 2018

Sadness and good intentions.

My heart goes out to Sue, The cottage at the end of the blog.
I have followed her from day one of blog reading. At that time she and her hubby Colin were living on a small holding in Suffolk. They retired to the said cottage and Colin has been battling cancer for what seems like a long weary while.
Sadly I have just read that he passed away yesterday. Yes good men die every day but to the people left behind it is Their good man and the loss is total and overwhelming.

Sue regrets that the grandchildren will never know Colin, but while she and her children talk about him and look back at photos he will still be there.

I never met either of them but through reading the blog I feel I know them as, I am sure, many more do. 
I have just read Sooze's at "Her Indoors, Him Outdoors" post and it is so pertinent.
It is all too easy to let things slide, put that phone call off to tomorrow. decide to call in another day when time is not so pressing and so on.

I have my days mainly free to do as I wish but have to make a conscious effort to keep lines of communication open.

To log onto Facebook and just send a few messages out, to drop a comment onto every blog post that I read. It is such a simple thing but I seem to have one eye on the clock and put it off "till later".

In all honesty, no matter how I vow to do better I am certain that I will backslide. There is always "just one more row" to be knitted, Just 1 patchwork block to finish and press, and " I'll just make a cuppa" or "I must just have 30 minutes in the garden"
These things are important to us at the time and take over. We all know that The Road to hell is paved with good intentions, I am going to try very hard to dig some of that paving up. (Of course I could always use it in the garden)

I will be back tomorrow with a Me Made May catch up.

                        TTFN                                       Pam


  1. Thank you Pam, for alerting me to this sad news - although Sue knew the day would come, it doesn't make it any easier. My heart goes out to her, my thoughts and prayers with her family at this time. May God surround them all with love, and comfort and peace, now, and in the long hard days ahead.

    1. It is good that she is not still on the holding, where she now lives it is easy to get to shops. It is the mundane, everyday chores that seem to become insurmountable at these times.

  2. Great post Pam, and you've made me think. I read a lot of blogs every day and I really ought to leave more comments - yours is a blog which I read with interest but rarely comment. Thank you.

    1. I am as guilty as the next person, sometimes when there are many comments I can not think of anything fresh to say. I will be ignoring that more from now on.

  3. I think there will have been many tears shed in blogland for a good and brave man who died too soon, and also for the wonderfully loving and strong Sue. Very thought provoking post today Pam, and like you, I must do better to keep in touch.

    1. In my family it was my maternal grandmother who held the strings and pulled us all together as often as she thought proper. Now we are scattered, not just across Britain but there is a sprinkling over the world.

  4. That is so true Pam. I do my best to add a little comment here and there but I don't always have the time.... I shall make more effort to make time.

    1. I would like to get back into spending an hour each day reading through my blog list and dropping comments. I have found that over the months I am spending less time sitting and more on the move. That is so wrong,I must learn to relax again.

  5. I feel very much like you Pam. I shed a few tears for Sue and Col yesterday, but you are right about the grandchildren. I was 15 weeks pregnant with my younger daughter when my Dad died, and we made sure that she knew all about him.
    It is all too easy to let things go with communication, particularly when you feel that it is you making all the effort. I'm in that situation, but plodding on, keeping on trying.

    1. I do try to keep in touch at least every few weeks, sometimes it is a one way street but I can look at myself in the mirror without shame.

  6. Afternoon Pam

    I read your blog, but didn't realise I could leave a message (I don't have a blog - don't know how to set it up). Yes, your words rang so true (said she with tears running down her face) and I totally agree with you about always being in a rush or wanting something done 'perfectly' to not leave a message.

    Have a lovely (sunny?) Sunday. How is your new doggy getting on? More doggy tails please! Best wishes

    Carol x

    1. My little Herbie is loving the fine weather as the door is open all day. The garden is escape proof (fingers crossed) so he comes and goes as he wishes. I hope that you are enjoying my ramblings, I do not aim to write a novella but just open a little window into my life and doings.

  7. Hi Pam, yes it was with great sadness and tears(even though I never met them) that I read on mean queen blog that Sue lost her beloved Col; still chocked up; I hope she takes small comfort in the love we are sending to her xx

    1. Even when you are playing the waiting game it still comes as a shock. Sue has her family around her and I also hope that the tsunami of care and love is helping.

  8. Well written post and right on target.

  9. Thank you for this post, Pam. It's a timely reminder that I'm not very good at consistently making comments, and not even at answering comments on my own blog - although I do try to remember to do a blanket thank you on the blog, and answer any questions there might be. I think we're all used to living such busy lives, even when retired - sometimes it's so easy to think 'I'll do such and such later', including making contact with friends/family. And then later never comes. And then it might be too late.

    1. I can be spot on for commenting and replying and then I get a project started and everything goes pear shaped. I put on virtual blinkers and ear muffs and the rest of the world is in soft focus. I then have to make myself take part in everything.

  10. I'm not familiar with the couple you're speaking of...but still, it's very sad and I feel for them. Pam, you are so right. If only I could have my mother back, I would not put off calling her or going to see her every chance I got. I have many regrets for being too busy many times.

    1. It is the way of the world, "stuff" and "life" happens and gets in the way and then suddenly the time has gone. Iam fortunate in that my parents lived with me for several months and then just a few doors away for the rest of their lives.

  11. Sue and Col have fought this terrible disease with strength, courage and dignity and it's so sad to read of Col's passing. My sister died when my children were young, one was four and the other a week away from her first birthday, yet it's as though they knew her well as we've kept her memory alive and I'm sure it will be the same for Sue and Col's grandchildren.

    1. My siblings grandchildren all know who my parents were and how they lived and often speak as if they met them.

  12. Every thing you wrote is so true. Always putting off to the next post to comment. It's so sad about Col. I had an uncle that had the same cancer as Col so knew the outcome wouldn't be good. My heart aches for Sue.

    1. Cancer is still an insidious killer, with every step forward in treatment there seems to be a step back.

  13. I was so sorry to read about Sue's beloved Col's passing. It really does make one stop and think. I need to be better at replying to people as well.

    God bless.

    1. Death touches most of us but we have watched Col's fight and seen Sue hang on to normality as far as possible. A lesser person would have folded months ago.


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