
Saturday, 1 July 2017

Late on Parade

A lovely sunny day tempted me to potter in the garden for "five minutes", 3 hours later and the front and side borders had been trimmed up to look quite respectable. They were very blowsy and the recent wet weather had started to turn the bottom layers to silage. I just have the border in front of the house wall to tidy now, the central bed is still in time out until I decide what to do with it.

Apart from that I have been decidedly idle, not enough laundry to make a load of anything. I caught right up at the beginning of the week.
No sewing, even though I have a dress waiting and a patchwork project started, I just wasn't feeling it.

Some knitting, not my cardigan fronts I'm afraid, but on my shawl. I am impatient to see how the yarn pans out, not sure if I will be playing yarn chicken or if I will have loads left.

A couple of walks with Ben and quite a bit of gossiping socialising with the neighbours.

Now it is time to start dinner, the quiche is cooked (no pastry just filling) and there is salad to be made. I have to go and pick leaves from the garden and greenhouse.

I hope that you are having as good a day as I am.

                                   TTFN                                       Pam


  1. Hi Pam :) I'm envious of your sun and pottering in the garden. It's just pouring rain here! I am enjoying my day in the kitchen!

    1. We had a glorious Monday followed by Tuesday that was a bit "iffy" and then 3 days of rain and drizzle.

  2. I'm envious of your 'not enough laundry'.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. X

    1. I did find 3 loads today though, would not take the risk of leaving it for tomorrow. The weather report is vague to say the least.

  3. I had a nice day, lunch out and a potter around town.

  4. Yesterday was the 150th Anniversary for Canada. Canada Day parties everywhere, even my neighbours! It was a dull but warm day. Today and the rest of the week will be from 28C up to 34C. Way too hot for me. Must go water while it's only 22C and then back into the air conditioning!


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