
Sunday 4 August 2013

Why Should I Feed Them

That was just one comment that I heard yesterday in Asda.

 Our plans were changed at the last minute so I was able to go to Asda in Wisbech and do a shop for the food bank.

Most people were popping a can or two into the trolley just outside the shop entrance. However there were a few who became quite aggressive, one man in his forties went into a rant about "foreigners" "workshy" "idle" and so on, his wife actually slapped him she was so upset.

It was not quite the bad thing that it seemed to be , people stopped to see what was occurring, conversations were started and I think that the calm comments from the collectors had a positive effect. While filling my trolley I heard several people saying that they would spend £5 fot the food bank, more were saying "stick 2 of them in for that lot outside"

Francesca came with me, before we ventured into the heaving throng that is Asda on a Saturday afternoon, we asked the volunteers what they were short of. They needed tinned fruit, so we went straight to it, we just went along the shelf and put 6 of most things into the trolley. I did not choose grapefruit and prunes because as always I shopped with children in mind.
Once I had a decent haul of fruit I added topping and custard mixes, instant whips and 2 boxes of UHT semi skimmed milk.
I managed to fill one of the small trolleys for just under £20, the price of a "meal" in any fast food establishment I would think, I can not be sure as I do not use any of them but see the occasional advert on the TV.
I also arranged to drop in on Monday afternoon to see how the operation works.
 I work in the ready made salad industry and if I find that they could use salads if freshly delivered I will be approaching our "big cheese" and asking for donations. I am happy to collect from work on Monday and Fridays and then take straight to the food bank.

Oh  and the answer to the title question is, that is the wrong question. It should be why should I not feed them.
No one should be hungry in this world, I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning, and I want to like what I see.
I am fortunate, I have always worked, I have never known hunger, I have never been destitute, equally I have never been rolling in money. I have a warm comfortable home, my cupboards are full, my fridges and freezers are full.
I can afford to bulk buy good offers.
I can cook a meal from scratch.
I have choice.
Those three points are vital, the first two save a great deal of money and the third is the result of the first two.

When you have no money you also have no choice, no hope and can see no way out.
Poverty saps your strength, dulls the mind and grinds away at self respect.

I can think of nothing worse than seeing your children hungry.

On that note I will finish, I think that my list of grateful things would be inappropriate today.
                            TTFN     Pam


  1. Pam this was a very thought provoking post. My mum and dad were only saying to me this morning how tough it was for them when we were small kids in the early 60's. They often went without to feed us kids and mum said she doesnt know how they got by, yet my dad was in work but a poorly paid job and mum couldnt work because we were small. Benefits werent as they are now and even now they are insufficient.People who use food banks are often in poorly paid jobs not 'scroungers' and some are out of work through no fault of their own. There but for the grace of God I say. Bless you X

  2. I agree with your thoughts Pam. a lot of people who don't need to use foodbanks don't realise that they are a lifeline to those who do need them,through no fault of their own. They are not scroungers, idle or foreign, just ordinary human beings, many in work, who just cannot stretch what they have any further and don't want their families to go to bed hungry again.
    It is just such a shame that in the 21st century, a so called 1st World country,, food banks are so necessary

  3. We made a special journey to our local Asda - checked online first - but no collection and they claimed not have heard of the initiative; so we dropped our donation off at our local homeless shelter instead.
    I am working as a volunteer in our local food bank for a short time to cover a friends holiday leave in the very near future. It will give me a clearer idea of what is most need in our area I think.

  4. Great post Pam. This is something I will be looking into when I get home from my hols. I did look to see if the Trussell Trust was in my area as I could give my time one day a week but there isn't one as yet. However I will make a generous donation to the food bank in my mums area. X

  5. Good for you! We too support our local food bank. I went through a spell when my daughter was small and I was laid off work. No food bank back then, and I am forever thankful to a home economics teacher I had in high school who taught a cooking course - Eating on a dollar a day - sounds impossible- but it works! I was out of a job, (husband deserted) (and not qualified for unemployment) for 4 months, but we got by!

  6. Lovely, Pam, I am just trying to catch up with blogs as have been away.I always contribute to the food banks - there but for the grace of God etc etc. I don't ask who it goes to. I give at our local Asda and do not begrudge it. Good for you. Lxx

  7. bless you for writing this xxx froogs xxxx

  8. In answer to all the comments, I am ashamed that it took Tesco and then Asda to open my eyes to this situation. Our employment is dominated by Horticulture, we grow flowers, bulbs, fruit, vegetables and salad. The last few years have been really tough, the weather has wiped out many crops, even the hardy root veg has been ploughed back in as it rots in ground that is too sodden for the lifting equipment to venture on. The result has been reduced hours, no wage rises, no bonuses resulting in wide spread poverty. The food banks are filling the gap up to a point butthey can not give people back their dignity. Pam


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