
Friday 24 July 2015

Blowing in The Wind

I did a rain dance yesterday specially for Sue in Suffolk, the problem is that the wind was obviously blowing the wrong way and we got the rain. So no gardening for me, more sewing room tidy up.
I pulled small prints from the stash and started cutting 5" charms, some will become HST,s and some will form 4 patch blocks. I have a design in mind but there will be no sewing until the tidy up is done and at least 3 quilt tops have been on the frame and finished.
I have a shoe box that is not far off being filled with charms in a rainbow of colours, once full I will then cut white charms, I need 80 for the pattern that I have in mind. I will need double that number in coloured charms, and although I have more than enough cut I will fill that box.  Having 5" charms ready cut is for me a bit like having pastry mix ready in the fridge, it is a short cut. They form the basis of many blocks HST's, Flying Geese, Bears Paw etc and make 4 patch assembly a piece of cake.

Tomorrow it will be gardening or I will tackle the quilt that is on the frame, it is small so I should get it quilted in a day and the next loaded up. I have to complete three fast as I have 4 pairs of slobbers to make and the fabric is just sitting there waiting for me.
I will be making bread as well but no cakes this time.
It is now so dark that I have turned the lights on, I could not see to type.
Ben is ready for another walk, hopefully we will manage it without getting too wet.

                TTFN                                                          Pam


  1. We are snuggled here, with candels lit, heavy rain and blowing a gale.

    1. Wonderful summer time, last year we were drying and burning to a crisp. No use mithering about it, I just use the day to do what I want indoors.

  2. The rain due for me must have tipped up at yours too! It's been another dry day. I do love the fabric size nicknames. A charm - delightful. Although I bought several fents last week!

    1. I like the name for 2 1/2" squares, Candy, and of course 10" layer cakes. Now you have had your fun tell us what a fent is.

    2. It's a northern term ( I think ) for a 2m end of roll/remnant bit of fabric. If it's not 2m, it's called a small fent! I'll show you on my blogpost later on x

  3. Well weird weather here in Queensland. Last Friday most of Australia shivered under a cold front from Antarctica. Our town had the coldest July day on record. One week later on Friday just gone a mild overcast day of 22c!!!!! I love your seeing and I a m in awe of your sewing as always. My tote bags you made me always get many compliments xxx

    1. Th e weather patterns have a tendency to go haywire all over the world at times. I think it is nature reminding us how insignificant we are.

  4. We had rain here too, Pam, so we had a lovely relaxing day indoors. Now... what on earth are slobbers??

    1. Loose cotton trousers with an elasticated waist and side seam pockets. Just the job for slobbing around the house or garden. Much cooler than jogging bottoms.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I so want to learn to quilt when I retire next year. I've been looking back through you blog as some you have done. Marvelous ruddy marvellous!

    1. Be careful, quilting is very addictive. I can lose hours when I sit down to sew for half an hour and fabric shops are irresistible.

  6. The sound of the rain woke me up this morning, it was incredibly loud I was thankful to be tucked up in bed x

    1. We had a glorious day but, as promised it is raining steadily today.

  7. Sounds like a good day of making preparations for things to come! That is always good isn't it, it makes you feel so organised and efficient! xx


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