
Saturday 18 July 2015

The first battle is won.

I have spent most of the past 2 days in the garden, digging, hauling turf, measuring and of course answering the plaintiff cry of "just come and hold this for me" 
I must say here that all of the sawing, drilling and fastening has been courtesy of Mr Muscle, he did lift the lions share of the turf as well. There is still a swathe to be removed but it will wait, after all tomorrow is another day not even touched yet.

I forgot to take before pics, this section is pretty much representative of it all. 
The border bed was planted up with winter squashes and courgettes, they were doing well and then we had a week of constant rain and the local Keel Slug and common snail population decimated them.
I have been on nightly slug patrol as it was pointless replanting otherwise.
The whole garden is being changed, the grass is going and perennials, shrubs and roses are going in along with spring flowering bulbs.

But first the beds must be marked and a path has to go in, the dividing edging is being made to measure and is as cheap as chips. BTW did you see that metal lawn edging on Love Your Garden? something like £70 a length, okay it went round curves but my version cost £9 for wood plus about £1 worth of screws and some stain left over from doing the shed.

These plants had to go straight in as they were container grown and getting root bound.

A quick look at the equipment needed.

The view from the road

The poor little central bed, the shrub will stay but the rest will be moved later.

The path along the front of the house, the tops of the stakes will be stained and all the edging will eventually be covered by the overhanging plants.

You can see most of it here, all that grass will be gone soon and scented roses and shrubs will take its place.

I have placed some of the stone, dug out of the garden, in the corners, they may stay I am undecided as yet. I do have some more so may add a few.
The path stone is Cotswold and is a lovely contrast to the local stone facing on the house. It is laid on a double layer of weed suppressant fabric.
Where it peeps up at the sides I will be pushing it out of sight.
I have added some topsoil and will be forking my compost and some well rotted manure in the beds, the soil is not the best and will need help for the planting to be successful. 
Once this is done I will be putting some raised beds in the back, I want to cut down on the pots next year, all that watering has lengthened my arms, I am sure of it.

Now I think it is time to walk Ben, shower and find something to eat.

          TTFN                                                                     Pam

ps My arms ached so much last night that I could not do any hand sewing, hope it is is different tonight.


  1. Replies
    1. I really prefer a less regimented style but being so small it would (and did) just look messy.

  2. Wow that really looks smart you will be the talk of the neighbourhood going all posh like that :-)

    1. I may be the talk of the town already after spending 2 days with my btm in the air.

  3. That's a lot og gardening and looks great. looking forward to seeing the end result.

    1. I am an "all or nothing" person, no sooner started and I want it finished.

  4. Life will be so much better without the pots, they are hard work all through the year. Garden looking good.

    1. I will keep some pots, they are good to move around for a splash of colour, probably half the amount that I have now.

  5. It looks really good & will be even better when everything matures. Do you ever stay still? x

    1. Afraid not, even when sleeping I move around. I ought to be as thin as a rake.
      I look forward to seeing it this time next year.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A lot of work, but it looks fantastic!!!!! You have made a real change I am sure. I love that metal edgeing, but oh gosh, the price! We used wood and are very happy with it! xx

    1. I am going to have the wooden edging capped, that should help it to last.

  7. Your name has been picked out for the RAK. Can you please let me have your address so that I can send the parcel to you.

  8. It's going to look beautiful. I've raged war on the slugs here. I'm winning at the moment!


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